posted 21 June, 2018

Starlight Unit

For those children aged 0-16 needing a hospital stay for medical treatment or surgery, the paediatric inpatient ward has capacity for 24 children with a mixture of beds and single cubicles, mostly with en-suite facilities.

Other facilities include a high dependency unit for up to two patients; a school room; an adolescent room; a sensory room; a parents’ room; a play room and play specialists to help support children and their families, and an outside play area and garden.

A camp bed can be provided for a parent to stay overnight, next to their child. Parents can visit the Starlight Unit at any time while their child is in hospital and for other relatives, visiting times are from 1pm-8pm.

Children’s Day Case Unit

Children needing surgical procedures where an overnight stay is unnecessary are seen at the eight-bed day case unit. This includes children referred for tonsillectomy, grommet insertion, dental operations and investigations such as for food allergies and MRI scans carried out under general anaesthetic. The unit has play specialists to help support children and families as they prepare for their procedures and recover afterwards in preparation to go home. This unit is open from Monday to Friday.

Paediatric Observation and Assessment Unit

When GPs and A&E departments feel young patients need a paediatric assessment, they are referred to the Paediatric Observation and Assessment Unit. Here we provide a period of observation, investigations and treatment for children. Children will be admitted to the inpatient ward if needed or discharged home if well enough. The unit is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Paediatric Outpatients department

The Starlight Unit has its own dedicated paediatric outpatient department with a separate entrance to the main hospital and reception. This department has: ten consultation rooms; facilities for taking blood from children; a paediatric physiotherapy room; and an outside play area and garden.

Pre-operative Assessment

This area is for all children who are to be admitted for elective surgery. Patients are assessed and any investigations they need before having surgery are arranged. Staff are on hand to give information to children and their families about the operation, admission to hospital, and to arrange a tour of the ward. Our play specialists also help to prepare the children for their time in the unit.


The Starlight Children’s Unit is in the F Block (Green Zone) of MFT’s Wythenshawe Hospital through entrance 10 which can be accessed from Southmoor Road.


There is limited parking near the unit so we suggest you park near entrance 5 as parents are entitled to reduced rates for parking by asking at the security office located at entrance 5.


Inpatient ward (F8 ward): 0161 291 2669  / 0161 291 2248 / 0161 291 5458
Paediatric day-case unit: 0161 291 2620
Day-case unit reception: 0161 291 2738
Paediatric Observation and Assessment Unit: 0161 291 5459
Paediatric out-patient reception: 0161 291 2260 / 0161 291 2261