posted 14 May, 2018

Trauma Care

We also undertake a wide range of arthroscopic surgery. We are the Regional Centre for surgery on soft tissue tumours and work closely with the Christie Hospital and Oswestry Hospital.

The unit has a full time specialist physiotherapy practitioner who provides a specialist rehabilitation programme for hand and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in conjunction with a part time occupational therapist. This allows us to do rehabilitation at the weekends, reducing average length of stay. The department also benefits from outpatient triage sessions by a specialist team of physiotherapy practitioners.

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeons

Mr Phil Hirst
Mr Ashok Paul
Mr Nick Kenny
Mr Tahir Khan
Mr Dave Ellis
Mr Andre Kocialkowski
Mr Richard Samarji
Mr Sanat Shah
Mr Raj Sandher


Phase 2
2nd Floor
Manchester Royal Infirmary
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9WL

Outpatients – Fracture Clinic

Ground floor in the purple zone
Phase 2
Manchester Royal Infirmary
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9WL