posted 14 May, 2018


In most cases, a six-month course of treatment will cure it but as TB can become resistant very easily, only experienced personnel should manage these patients. Drug resistant TB can be very difficult to treat.

Although the incidence of TB is low nationally, it is higher in England than many other comparable countries and as it is concentrated in urban areas, there are pockets of very high incidence in some parts of our cities, including areas in Manchester.

All new cases of TB must be notified to Public Health England (PHE) on a web-based surveillance system. The TB Nurse Specialists take responsibility for this as well as entering TB outcome data. The TB Nurses present data on every case of TB at quarterly cohort review meetings, alongside peers from neighbouring areas, to other members of the TB team and key allied professionals.

A Consultant Respiratory Physician must manage all adult patients with TB at CMFT.  A Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician must manage all patients less than 16 years of age.

Please refer any patients with suspected TB to the TB Team, by faxing a letter to extension 66491. If you require any advice about TB, please ring extension 64387.


  • Professor M Woodhead (Lead TB Clinician): secretary extension 64381
  • Dr C Hardy: secretary extension 64322
  • Dr T Gorsuch: secretary extension 63538
  • TB Nurse Specialists: extension 64387, 15034, 11893, 67964, 67963
  • TB administrator: extension 66080


  • Dr F Child and Dr C Murray: secretary extension 10541, fax 10864
  • TB Nurse Specialists: extension 64387, 15034, 11893, 67964, 67963