posted 23 March, 2018


There is 1 ultrasound room which has a state of the art ultrasound machine capable of performing routine ultrasound examinations including general abdominal, gynaecological scanning, MSK and carotid Doppler. The department also provides the ultrasound service for referrals from all Trafford GP’s.

Procedures Done in the Department

The department performs all abdominal, pelvic and small parts examinations and a MSK service is also provided.

Admission Information

All examinations are performed following referral via ICE (e-order system). This includes full GP access. Examinations are prioritised by the clinical details provided and these should include all relevant information including any previous significant history eg. operations, cancer.

Relatives and Escorts

For non obstetric examinations, relatives and escorts (non medical) are not routinely allowed in the examination room, only at the discretion of the sonographer.

Any Tests/ Preparations Needed

Several different preparations are required depending on the examination and the age of the patient (adult/child):

  • Upper abdomen requires the patient to be starved for 6 hours.
  • Renal tract and pelvis examinations need the patient to have a very full bladder (to drink at least 2 pints of fluid approx 1 hour prior)


Altrincham General, Radiology Department, Ground Floor