posted 21 June, 2018


The hospital has a main pharmacy department at Wythenshawe and a smaller department based at Withington Hospital.

What is the role of the hospital Pharmacy Team?

The role of the Hospital Pharmacy Team is to ensure that medicines are prescribed, supplied and administered to patients in a safe, effective, timely and cost effective manner. Pharmacists are primarily known for their traditional role in the supply of oral medicines however, hospital Pharmacists are additionally responsible for the production and preparation of chemotherapy, intravenous antibiotics, intravenous nutrition and ensuring the supply of unlicensed medicines and Clinical Trials. Additionally, pharmacists utilise their knowledge of how medicines work and are involved in writing Medicines Guidelines which provide a great prescribing and administration support structure to doctors, nurses and patients. A number of our pharmacists are also trained to prescribe medicines in specialist clinics and ward settings.


What should I expect from the Pharmacy Department during my admission?

If you are admitted to the hospital you will be visited by a member of the Pharmacy Team within 24 hours who will:

  • Clarify your medication history and allergies. With your permission, we may contact your GP, Community Pharmacy or other relevant healthcare provider for further information.
  • Discuss any changes to your medicines that have been made.
  • Assess the medicines you have brought in with you and supply any additional medicines.
  • Check the suitability of your medicines with your other medicines and health conditions.
  • Visit you regularly during your admission to answer questions and/or make further supplies.
  • Provide further information on side effects, medicine-medicine interactions and how to get the best out of your medicines.

What should I expect at discharge?

The doctor will prepare you a Discharge Summary. The Discharge Summary will include a list of your new medicine regime and a summary of your admission details including relevant blood results, medication changes, follow up arrangements and actions for your GP. Your GP (if based in Manchester) will receive an electronic copy of your discharge summary within 24 hours. The Pharmacy Team will provide you with information on how best to take and manage your medicines to ensure you get the most benefit from your treatment. You will be supplied with at least 7 days of any medicines you need, by which time your GP should be able to make the necessary arrangements for further supplies.


What should I expect from the Pharmacy Department when I attend an outpatient appointment?

When attending an outpatient appointment you may need urgent changes or additions to your medication; if this is the case a white hospital prescription will be issued for dispensing by the hospital pharmacy. The pharmacist may ask you further questions about other medicines that you take and if you have any allergies to medicines. If the changes are not urgent then the hospital doctor will write to your GP to issue you with a green community prescription.

How much do outpatient prescriptions cost?

All prescriptions issued in outpatients are chargeable, unless you are exempt, at the current rate set by the government of £8.20 per item from 1st April 2015. A pre-payment certificate can be purchased if you anticipate requiring more than four items in three months.

Further Information

Who can I speak to for more information about my medicines?

While you are an inpatient you can ask your nurse to arrange for a consultation with your dedicated ward pharmacist.

When you get home, if you still have questions you can contact the MFT Pharmacy Patient Helpline (0161 291 3331) to help answer questions you might have about your new medicines/regime.



Green zone, next to Rowlands Outpatient Pharmacy

Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:30
Sat-Sun: 09:00-16:30
Public Holidays: 09:00-16:30

Contact Details
Pharmacy: 0161 291 2288 / 0161 291 2287
Cystic Fibrosis Pharmacy: 0161 291 5082


Wythenshawe-Outpatient (Rowlands)

Green zone, on the ground floor of F block opposite WH Smith.

Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08.30-18.00

Sat: 08.30-18.00


Contact Details

Pharmacy: 0161 945 1978