posted 20 June, 2018

Cardiac Rehabilitation

We are one of the first UK programmes to be certified as meeting the British Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) and National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation (NACR) minimum standards, 2015.

All the cardiac rehabilitation team are members of the British Heart Foundation Alliance Scheme which supports training and education.

We offer services for inpatients at Wythenshawe Hospital and for outpatients at Wythenshawe Hospital, Burnage Healthcare Practice and Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre. Our aim is to provide a high-quality service to meet your personal needs and to make sure you can access the programme at the right time.

The main conditions treated are cardiovascular disease (CVD), coronary heart disease (CHD), heart valve disease, chronic heart failure and adult congenital heart disease (ACHD).

You may attend following:

  • Angioplasty
  • A heart attack
  • A diagnosis of chronic heart failure
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Heart valve replacement and other heart surgery
  • Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) therapy and cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT)
  • Stable angina

The hospital-based programme is managed by clinical specialist physiotherapists with many years’ experience of running cardiac rehabilitation. The service is delivered by a wide group of healthcare professionals including specialist nurses, an occupational therapist, specialist physiotherapists, cardiac pharmacists, as well as support workers and administration staff.

Community Programmes

The community-based programmes at Burnage Healthcare Practice and Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre are managed and run by a very experienced cardiac specialist nurse, together with specialist physiotherapists and support staff.

We interact and liaise both locally and nationally with our colleagues in cardiac rehabilitation. If you live outside our local area, we will ensure you receive the option for cardiac rehabilitation with a team close to your own home.

We have strong links with the Ticker Club, an association of ex-cardiac patients from MFT. They support us by providing funds to help ensure vital patient information resources are available plus gym/medical equipment for the exercise sessions.

Inpatient services

Our inpatient services based at MFT’s Wythenshawe Hospital provide:

  • Early cardiac rehabilitation assessment on the ward by a team of cardiac specialist nurses.
  • Written and verbal information provided on heart attack, angioplasty, cardiac surgery and treatments including medication.
  • Personalised planning to manage individual modifiable cardiovascular risk factors through lifestyle changes.
  • Referral to stop-smoking clinics, alcohol specialist nurse team and dieticians.

Outpatient services

Having received your referral information from the cardiology liaison specialist nurses, we will invite you for an assessment appointment. We should contact you within three working days of receiving your referral, with the aim of offering you an initial assessment within one to four weeks, depending on your cardiac event. If you are not ready to attend at that time, we will agree a timeframe to contact you with a further offer of an assessment date.

We send confirmation in the post regarding the date, time and information relevant for your assessment appointment. You should start the exercise and/or the education sessions within one week of your assessment date.


Patients are referred by the cardiology liaison nurse specialist team, by GPs and cardiologists, from Wythenshawe Hospital heart failure clinic and from other hospitals.


Inpatient team

Sarah Harwood and Joanne Smith

Tel 0161 2912679


Hospital-based and community programme

Michelle Collier and Jenny Aindow

Cardiac Rehabilitation Coordinators

Physiotherapy Department,

Wythenshawe Hospital

Southmoor Rd

M23 9LT


Tel: 0161 291 2177


Office hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday


The Physiotherapy Department at Wythenshawe Hospital is based in the Yellow Zone in the Outpatients Department. It is accessed by Entrance 5.

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