posted 22 March, 2018

CT Scanning

We work closely with all areas of the hospital including the Urgent Care Centre, wards and the outpatient department. There is a also a service for GP’s to request CT Brain scans only.
We currently have a Siemens Sensation 16 scanner and scan approximately 6500 patients per year.

The service is staffed by experienced and professional cross sectional radiographers and radiographic helpers (RDAs) who are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about CT examinations.

Procedures Done in the Department

The CT Scanning Department provides an extensive range of CT scan examinations covering all areas of the body these include:

  • Head and Neck
  • Body Scanning (Chest, Abdomen & Pelvis)
  • CT Colonography
  • CT Angiography
  • Extremity Scanning
  • CT Guided Biopsies/Drainages

Admission Information

Scans are requested by a referring doctor, specialist nurse or specialist allied health professional (who are registered non medical referrers). The requests are then vetted for their suitability by the radiologists and specialist radiographers.

Appointments are given on an in-patient & outpatient basis. Please note that scanning priority will be given to patients requiring the most urgent medical care. This may mean a delay to your appointment time so please be patient and we will get round to scanning you as soon as we possibly can.

Relatives and Escorts

To maintain patient confidentiality and to comply with local rules we only allow relatives into the examination room under exceptional circumstances. The needs of the patient will be considered and access will be at the discretion of the radiographer performing the examination.


Trafford Hospital, Radiology Ground Floor (adjacent to the Urgent Care Centre)

Opening Hours

8am – 6pm Monday – Friday

24 hours emergency cover is provided by contact with on call radiologist

Contact Details

Tel 0161 746 2001/2607 for appt enquires

Fax 0161 746 2732

Urgent cases should preferably be discussed directly with a radiologist or, if not, present in person to the department.

Trafford General Hospital, Moorside Road, Davyhulme, Manchester, M41 5SL


Team of rotational cross-sectional imaging radiographers.

Additional Information

Patients are asked to please let the radiographers know if they are, or may be, pregnant prior to their scan. If a patient has had a previous reaction to iodinated contrast media, they are asked to inform the radiographers prior to their scan.