posted 27 July, 2018

Deaf Children, Young People & Family Service

Our service is for deaf children, young people and their families up to the age of 18 years old who are experiencing mental health problems including emotional/behavioural issues. We also work with hearing children of D/deaf parents.

Referrals are made to us by professionals, with parental agreement, in relation to:

  • A mental health condition where referral to a specialist Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is appropriate – with a Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) Score of 50 or below.
  • A severe or profound hearing loss, or BSL as their preferred/first language, or a significant language impairment related to moderate to profound hearing loss.

If a hearing child has a parent who is a British Sign Language user, or has severe or profound hearing loss, the service will consider an assessment.

Once a referral is received, we can:

  • Offer an assessment to see the child and family.
  • Offer a joint assessment with the local CAMHS team.
  • Provide consultancy to the referrer.

What conditions do we treat?

We offer multidisciplinary assessments and treatment/a range of therapeutic interventions. The treatment is tailored to meet the needs of the young people and their families.

This is a Nationally Commissioned service and therefore the referral does not incur costs.

Our team

Dr Rosie Noyce – Clinical Psychologist

Sara Bishop –Clinical Team Interpreter

Claire Crompton – Clinical Team Manager

Julie Foster-Goodman – Operational Manager.

Daniel Holdsworth – Specialist Deaf Outreach Worker

Olive Lycett – Specialist Deaf Outreach Worker

Dr Steven Hughes – Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

Jayne Langdale – Mental Health Practitioner

Lisa Radford – Medical Team Secretary

Contact us

Deaf Children, Young People & Family Service
National Deaf CAMHS – Manchester Outreach
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
Harrington Building
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9WL

Tel: 0161 701 4519

Mob: 07980 967207

Welcome to the Harrington Building