Who is the service for?
Patients with lumps or hernia that are below the neck and above the groin. All patients with acute abdomens. GPs can refer patients via the Choose and Book system; A&E consultants can also refer you to this service. For the acute emergency service a referral from a GP to the RSO on-call is required.
What does the service provide?
The service provides outpatient day case and inpatient services across the four sites of the Pennine. It also provides acute diagnostics and therapeutic services for patient with acute abdomens.
Who will patients meet?
The care is provided by the General Surgery team, clinic and theatre staff.
When is the service available?
The outpatient, day case and inpatient services are provided daily (Monday – Friday) across the four sites of the Pennine.
Where is the service provided?
Outpatient and day case services are available on all four sites of the Pennine Acute NHS Trust, inpatient services are provided at North Manchester General Hospital and Royal Oldham Hospital.
Department contact details
Booking and Scheduling.
Practical information
Please bring a list of your current medication.
Key staff
- Mr Salman Consultant Oldham and Rochdale
- Mr Afify Consultant Oldham and Rochdale
- Mr Byrnes Consultant Oldham and Rochdale
- Mr Richards Consultant Oldham and Rochdale
- Mr Rate Consultant Oldham and Rochdale
- Mr Ali Consultant North Manchester and Fairfield
- Mr Huq Consultant North Manchester and Fairfield
- Mr Kurrimboccus Consultant North Manchester and Fairfield
- Mr Brammer Consultant North Manchester