posted 23 January, 2020

NW GLH (North West Genomic Laboratory Hub)

Our Vision

• Address the variation in quality and access to genetic testing across the country especially in cancer.

• Improve the information available in terms of spending on testing and the type of tests being performed.

• Enhance genetic testing for cancer, and rare inherited diseases. This will improve both patient diagnosis and treatment decisions.

• Create opportunities to link with academic and industry partners on research and development programmes.

• Broaden our understanding of the cause of disease and the effectiveness of the interventions that will be offered to patients and their families to help deliver high quality care for all, now and for future generations.

GLH Partnership

The North West Genomic Laboratory Hub (GLH) is one of a network of seven GLHs across the country, which together form the new national Genomic Medicine Service. Each GLH is responsible for coordinating services for a particular part of the country. The National Genomic Medicine Service builds on the legacy of the successful 100,000 Genomes Project and will make available in routine clinical care the benefits of whole genome sequencing for both rare disease and cancer patients. For the first time a national Genomics Test Directory has been created to define what genetic/genomic tests can be requested in which circumstances and by whom.

The NW GLH is led by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and consists of delivery partners throughout the North West, including the Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool Centre for Genomic Medicine, the Liverpool Clinical Laboratories, the Christie NHS Foundation Trust and the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.