posted 14 May, 2018

High Dependency Unit

Patients may be treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) which has 13 beds, or the high dependency unit (HDU) which has12 beds. There are 14 consultants, 17 doctors in training, 180 critical care trained nurses, and a team of physiotherapists, technicians, pharmacists and dieticians caring for patients in both units.

The ICU is mainly for patients with established organ failure such as respiratory, cardiac, hepatic, renal or neurological failure. The HCU admits patients who are less acutely ill, such as post-operative elective surgical patients, or emergency medical patients.

Following discharge from the ICU and HDU, patients are cared for on the wards by nursing and physiotherapy staff specially trained in critical care. This service extends into outpatients.

Our staff take pride in running one of the most respected critical care services in the country.


The intensive care unit is on the first floor phase 1 building at Manchester Royal Infirmary.
(Purple Zone), Oxford Road Manchester
M13 9WL

The high dependency unit is on the second floor of phase 1 building at Manchester Royal Infirmary.
(Purple Zone), Oxford Road
M13 9WL

Contact us on 0161 276 4166.