posted 17 July, 2018

Joint Obstetric Cardiology Clinic

Our staff include :

A large team of clinicians contribute to this service including:

  • Dr Sarah Vause and Dr Anna Roberts, Consultant Obstetricians
  • Professor Bernard Clarke and Professor Bernard Keavney, Consultant Cardiologists
  • Midwife Ann Issa
  • Anaesthetists
  • Cardiac technicians and many others

How can I access this service?

Women with known or suspected heart disease (or aortic disease) should be referred by their GP or consultant for preconceptual advice. Any women who are already booked in at Saint Mary’s who have known or suspected heart disease (or aortic disease) should be referred as early in pregnancy as possible.

Women with moderate or high risk cardiac disease who are booked at other hospitals should also be referred, although some may continue their care in their local hospital if this seems appropriate.

A referral letter should be sent to Dr Sarah Vause, Consultant Obstetrician, Saint Mary’s Hospital, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL or faxed to (0161) 276 6143. Please include as much detail as possible.

If the referral is urgent, please telephone (0161) 276 6426 or contact Dr Vause or Professor Clarke via the hospital switchboard (0161) 276 1234.


Antenatal Department, Saint Mary’s Hospital, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9WL.

Clinic times

The team run a clinic on Tuesday mornings seeing women for preconceptual advice, antenatal care and postnatal care.

Most women attending this clinic will have an echo and an ECG performed, before seeing the midwife (Ann Issa), and then the obstetrician (Dr Sarah Vause or Dr Anna Roberts) and cardiologist (Prof Bernard Clarke or Prof Bernard Keavney). An anaesthetist is also available in clinic and fetal echocardiography and obstetric ultrasound can be done at the same visit.

If women are admitted to hospital they are cared for by the same team on the ward.
