Are you ready?
Now that you are pregnant, we would like to help you and your partner/friend prepare for the birth of your baby.
There are a variety of sessions both in the hospital and in the community where you will have the opportunity to meet the midwives and physiotherapists.
We aim to support you and give you enough information to make informed choices about your care.
Sessions available at Saint Mary’s Hospital:
Birth Workshop
This is a two hour session held on three consecutive weeks to help you prepare for labour and parenthood. Please book at 20 weeks’ of pregnancy, following your anomaly scan.
These birth workshops are held:
- Mondays: 7.00 pm-9.00 pm
- Tuesdays: 7.00 pm-9.00 pm
- Wednesdays: 7.00 pm-9.00 pm
- Fridays: 9.30 am-1.00 pm (This is a one off class)
- Saturdays: 9.30 am-1.00 pm (This is a one off class)
Please book your place via the Health Education Team on (0161) 276 6914.
Breastfeeding workshops
Prepare for breastfeeding realistically. We have sessions that are for women only and Sessions where partners can attend (evidence shows it is helpful to have good support from a person close to you).
- Mondays: 10.00 am-1.00 pm (women only)
- Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays: 7.00 pm-9.00 pm (for women and partners)
Please book your place via the Health Education Team on (0161) 276 6914.
Community based Preparation for Parenthood:
The sessions below are for those women living within the boundaries of Central Manchester.
You don’t need to book a place on the following sessions:
- Wednesdays: 10.00 am-11.00 am – Baby Belles, Martinscroft Surestart Centre, Epping Street, Hulme.
- Fridays: 1.00 pm-2.00 pm – BestStart, Surestart Centre, Wadeson Road, Ardwick.
For more information please contact (0161) 276 6246.
Salford based sessions:
A four week Parent Education course is held:
- Thursdays: 3.30 pm-5.30 pm – Langworthy Cornerstone, Langworthy Road, Salford, M6 5QQ.
Tel: (0161) 206 5296
Exercise sessions:
Exercise to music, whilst the water supports your weight. Midwives run the sessions.
- Mondays: 6.00 pm-6.45 pm – Stretford Leisure Centre, Greatstone Road, Stretford. Tel: (0161) 875 1414.
- Thursdays: 1.30 pm-2.30 pm – Levenshulme Leisure Centre, Barlow Moor Road. Tel: (0161) 224 4370.
- Fridays: 12.00 pm-1.00 pm – Moss Side Baths, Moss Lane East. Tel: (0161) 226 5015.
Plus ½ hour for refreshments and to meet the Midwives after sessions.
There is also an aquanatal that is not run by community midwives but is available for Salford women to attend:
- Tuesdays: 8.00 pm-9.00 pm – Worsley Pool, Bridgewater Road, Walkden, M28 3AB. Tel: (0161) 790 2984.
The parent education team also offers special sessions for women undergoing planned Caesarean sections, as well as classes for women expecting twins.
Please call (0161) 276 6914 to book.
You can find more information on preparing for birth and labour on the NHS choices website: