posted 5 April, 2018

Diabetic Pregnancy Service

The service is provided by a team of obstetricians, diabetologists, specialised diabetes midwives, a dietician, specialised diabetes nurses and a health care support worker. Care is focused on the individual needs of each woman so that at each visit women will see the relevant members of the team and any other member the woman feels she needs to see. An ultrasound scan may also be performed at the same visit.

Who will benefit from this service?

We see women with diabetes who are planning on becoming pregnant or who are already pregnant and women who have an abnormal glucose tolerance test in pregnancy.

Women who have previously had gestational diabetes should be discussed with one of the specialist diabetes midwives prior to referral.

Women with diabetes may need admission to hospital if there are major difficulties in controlling their diabetes and the same team will care for them on the antenatal ward. A member of the team routinely visits the postnatal ward to review any mothers who have delivered to ensure their diabetes care is optimised prior to them going home.

Pre-pregnancy service

As it is very important that women who have diabetes become pregnant when their diabetes is well controlled and they are on the right medication, the team see women prior to pregnancy.

Research and development

The clinic is a leading centre in the UK for research in diabetic pregnancy and has been and continues to be involved in major projects so that women may be invited to participate in these. The service also offers the latest technology and has many women using insulin pumps.


The main clinic is held in the Antenatal Department on a Tuesday afternoon with a second smaller clinic on a Friday morning. However the specialist midwives are available every weekday to see urgent cases, make initial assessments of new referrals and discuss with women over the telephone any problems they are having with their control. Telephone contacts are an integral part of the service which may also help to reduce the number of clinic visits.

How can I access this service?

Women who are known to the service may refer themselves or be referred by their GP, midwife or obstetrician. They should contact a Diabetes Specialist Midwife on (0161) 276 6408. Alternatively they may telephone (0161) 276 6426 (consultants’ secretary). Women are also sometimes identified at booking, in which case the booking midwife also refers to clinic.