We see pregnant women whose BMI is over 40, as well as women with back problems, cardiac conditions, neurological conditions, rheumatological conditions, anaesthetic problems and other medical conditions.
Referral to the clinic is made by obstetricians or midwives usually at the time of the booking visit but are some patients are referred later in pregnancy.
Patients are usually seen between 28 and 36 weeks gestation depending on the condition they are referred with.
The obstetric anaesthetists liaise closely with obstetricians and other specialist services as needed.
In the clinic we review patients in the antenatal period to discuss how their medical condition may affect labour, delivery and their choice of pain relief. Then an anaesthetic management plan for labour and delivery will be made.
The clinics are held in the Antenatal Department at Saint Mary’s Hospital on:
- Monday afternoons
- Tuesday mornings
- Wednesday afternoons
How can I access this service?
Referral is made by obstetricians or midwives.
Contact Details
Clinic Secretary:
Tel: (0161) 701 7158
Fax: (0161) 276 6143