posted 14 January, 2019


Paediatric Neurophysiology

The paediatric neurophysiology department is on the first floor of RMCH in Zone L (map).

Tests available for paediatric patients

A variety of tests are available for paediatric patients.  The main tests performed are:

  • Routine EEG (Click here or here for the patient information leaflet)
  • Sleep Deprived EEG
  • Melatonin Sleep EEG
  • Portable EEG
  • Ambulatory EEG (Click here for the patient information leaflet)
  • Video Telemetry (Click here for the patient information leaflet)
  • Joint NCS/EMG and Neurology Review (Click here for the patient information leaflet)
  • MSLT
  • Visual Evoked Potential
  • Somatosensory Evoked Potential
  • Intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring (SSEP and MEP) (Click here for the patient information leaflet)

Please note that neonatal testing is performed by the adult department.

Children with autism and learning difficulties

Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Epilepsy and EEG

Autism is a term which encompasses a spectrum of disorders. All autistic people share certain difficulties, but being autistic will affect them in different ways.

People who have an autistic spectrum disorder are more likely to have epilepsy than people who don’t.

It is estimated that as many as a third of individuals with an autism spectrum disorder also have epilepsy. In addition it can be hard to differentiate behaviour associated with autism and epileptic seizure activity; for example with staring or repetitive movements.  Therefore many people with autism will be investigated with EEG.

All of our tests are performed for patients with a wide range of ages and abilities; however, having an EEG can be a particular challenge for some individuals with autism.

To help explain the EEG test, we have pictorial and written information booklets, both designed especially with children in mind.  However, if you need more information, if you feel your child needs extra help, or if you want to discuss the test please telephone the department.

For more information please see the Trust website:

MFT services for children with autism webpage

Children’s Epilepsy Surgery Service (CESS)

CESS is a countrywide initiative to improve outcomes for children undergoing epilepsy surgery.  The initiative means that there are only four centres for childhood epilepsy surgery:

  • Great Ormond Street and Kings College Hospital
  • Birmingham Children’s Hospital
  • Bristol Children’s Hospital
  • NorCESS (Northern Children’s Epilepsy Surgery Service) which is a combined service between Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and RMCH.

RMCH are very proud to be one of the specialised centres.

For more information about CESS see this document produced by NHS England.

This leaflet produced by the Northwest Paediatric Neurosciences Operational Delivery Network gives more information about NorCESS: