posted 20 June, 2018

Nutrition and Dietics

We use the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) to screen all hospital patients when admitted to MFT.

This is to ensure anyone who is underweight or has lost weight is treated appropriately and can also be used to identify a patient that is overweight. As well as seeing patients we advise doctors and service managers on measures to improve the nutritional care and we work with Catering services to ensure the hospital menus are reviewed and meet the needs of the patients groups.

We have a Nutrition Support Team including a specialist dietitian and a nutrition specialist nurse. Their role is to see patients with complex nutritional needs to ensure they receive sufficient nutrition. We also provide guidance to nurses and medical staff regarding the correct care and maintenance of specialist tubes used for feeding.

We provide a comprehensive service to all wards and across a number of departments at MFT. The dietetic department also provides an outpatients service at Wythenshawe Hospital and Withington community hospital for patients with diabetes, IBD, Coeliac disease and IBS.


Referrals can be made by doctors, nurses and other health professionals and from GP surgeries in the South Manchester area.


The service office base is in Baguley Residences


Service Lead is Lesley Coates, 0161 291 2671.