posted 28 March, 2021

Pain Management (NMGH)

Who is the service for?

GPs can refer into a specialist service for people who they feel need further help in managing their chronic pain.

What does the service provide?

The service is consultant led and provides a consultant review and assessment of pain and how it affects the person’s quality of life. Treatments may then be offered that may include medication, low level laser therapy and injections for pain, as deemed appropriate by the pain doctor.

Specialist nurses provide follow up sessions to help the patient with any medication treatments commenced and also offer support to the patient in coping and managing their pain.

The Pain Service has their own Advanced Practitioner Physiotherapist working alongside the Pain Consultants providing further specialist care and treatment for patients.

It is important to the service that we look at all aspects of how chronic pain affects the patient, their carers and family.  The service offers compassionate but structured support, working alongside others such as the patients GP and other agencies involved in the patients care.  The ultimate goal is the improvement of quality of life for the individual.

Who will the patient meet?

Receptionist who will take the patients details and confirm the accuracy of the information contained within the case notes.

Health care assistant who may assist the patient and/or doctor/nurse who would provide chaperone duties as needed.

Doctor who will assess and review the patient. They may choose to examine the patient, this may involve removal of clothing; a chaperone will be available to assist with this.  Doctors may refer patients for further diagnostic test as required.  These could be to the Radiology Department for x-rays or scans.

Specialist nurse who will provide treatments such as laser as appropriate, or review as described above within the clinic.

Advanced Practitioner Physiotherapists who work alongside the pain doctors providing further specialist care for patients.

Pain injections within the operating theatre will involve a pain doctor, operating theatre staff, radiographer and day case ward staff. This team will be responsible for the safety and support of the patient throughout their pain injection procedure.

When is the service available?

Clinics and theatres from 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday

Where is the service provided?

Outpatient clinics based within outpatients G, which is a stand alone unit, near block A, just outside the main corridor within the old hospital premises.

Theatres:  Patients will need to attend the day case unit at North Manchester Hospital

Department contact details

Pain Departmental Secretarial support:

North Manchester Office – 0161 720 5292

Practical information

Patients who have new outpatient clinic appointment please bring with them the completed pain assessment document that will have been sent out to them with their appointment letter. All patients to bring with them most recent information about their medications.

Information about pain injection theatre requirements will be sent out to the patient beforehand. Patients are asked to ensure that this is adhered to.  The cancellation of appointments may be necessary if patients have not adhered to their pre operative guidance.

Key staff / consultants

Emma Flynn – Directorate Manager 0161 627 8732

Dr Swayamprakasam – Clinical Director 01706 517705

Paula Bragg – Lead Pain Nurse 0161 656 1211

Other consultants

Dr M Gregory Oldham

Dr M Boyd, Oldham

Dr J Adedokun, North Manchester

Dr R Bhishma, North Manchester

Dr A Karmarkar, Bury

Dr V Gadiyar, Bury

Dr K Kataria, Bury

Dr N Raj, Rochdale

Dr Swayamprakasam, Rochdale

Dr S Williams (Associate Specialist) Rochdale