posted 30 March, 2021

Speech and Language Therapy (NMGH)

The Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) service assesses, diagnose and treat adults with acquired swallowing and/or communication difficulties.

Services offered

The Speech and Language Therapy department provides a service to adults with swallowing and/or communication difficulties that can arise from certain medical conditions such as dementia, respiratory disorders, head and neck cancer, stroke, neurological conditions and general frailty amongst others.

Intervention usually requires in-depth assessment of the presenting problem, which for swallowing disorders may include further instrumental investigations such as an x-ray of the swallow ( Videofluoroscopy )  or FEES (Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing)

Adults who present with voice problems will have access to Joint Voice clinics, voice groups, and 1:1 therapy as appropriate.

There is a specialist service also for adults diagnosed with Head and Neck cancer or have had a laryngectomy

The Service at based at North Manchester General Hospital also provides a service to the community of North Manchester , providing assessment and treatment at the patient’s home, or Care Home.

How to find us

Hospital: North Manchester General Hospital
Ward/Department location: Between E and F block (Old building)
Telephone numbers: 0161 720 2232
Email address: