posted 22 March, 2018


Three of these theatres are dedicated orthopaedic theatres with laminar flow – necessary for joint replacement procedures.

One theatre is dedicated to day case procedures and is a stand-alone theatre with its own ward. Most minor procedures are undertaken in this theatre providing a high turn-over of patients.

The theatres are equipped with all the necessary equipment to undertake laparoscopic and orthopaedic procedures including high definition scopes, cameras and screens as well as operating tables for trauma and shoulder surgery.

The department is also equipped with high weight bearing operating tables for bariatric surgery.

The surgical services undertaken at Trafford are:

  • Orthopaedics
  • General surgery – including laparoscopic colo-rectal surgery
  • ENT
  • Gynaecology
  • Urology (day cases)
  • Oral Surgery
  • Chronic pain

The decontamination services are provided by Synergy located off site at Wythenshawe.

We provide an emergency anaesthetic practitioner who supports the anaesthetists and responds to emergency calls including cardiac arrests and resuscitation in the A & E department.

In addition to the seven theatres above, there are three other theatres in a new self-contained modern facility. These will form the new Elective Orthopaedic Centre – a new project initiated for the benefit of the residents of not only Trafford, but Manchester as a whole.


Patients are referred to Trafford by local GPs via the NHS Choose and Book system.


The operating theatres are located at Trafford General Hospital, Moorside Road, Urmston J41 5SL.


The department is open 8:00am – 9:00pm daily and provides a 24 hour emergency/trauma service via on-call staff.

Contact Details:

0161 746 2936


The Service Manager for Surgery is responsible for the department which is managed by a Theatre Manager, Decontamination Manager and 75 other staff including Nurses, Operating Department Practitioners and Theatre Support Workers.