posted 14 May, 2018

Ultrasound (MRI)

All the rooms have state of the art ultrasound machines capable of performing routine ultrasound examinations but also contrast ultrasound, elastography, and Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging (ARFI).

The department provides the ultrasound service for the MRI and Dental Hospital, with CMFT being a tertiary referral centre for several disciplines including hepato-biliary and head and neck. We also support the regional tranplantation centre for both transplanted kidney and pancreas.

Procedures Done in the Department

The department performs all abdominal, pelvic and small parts examinations. Biopsies, drainages, aspirations and therapeutic injections are also undertaken. It also provides a full MSK service including biopsy for the regional sarcoma MDT.

Admission Information

Both in and out patient examinations are performed by referral via ICE. There is limited GP access. Examinations are prioritiesd by the clinical details provided and these should include all relevant information including any previous significant history e.g. operations, cancer.

Inpatient Waiting Times

Waiting times for inpatients waiting for US scans are measured monthly.

  • January 2016 average inpatient waiting time for US: 1.4 days
  • 70% of the total number of patients were scanned between 0-1 days
  • 82% of the total number of patients were scanned between 0-2 days

Relatives and Escorts

Relatives and escorts (non medical) are not routinely allowed into the examination room. This final decision will always be at the discretion of the sonographer.

Any Tests/ Preparations Needed

Several different preparations are required depending on the examination:

  • Upper abdomen requires the patient to be starved for 6 hours
  • Renal tract and pelvis examinations need the patient to have a very full bladder (to drink at least 2 pints of fluid approx 1 hour prior to the examination)
  • Biopsies and drainage examinations need a clotting profile and full blood count (INR less than 1.5 usually required and platelet count of more than 60)


Ultrasound Department, Main Xray, Purple Zone

Manchester Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9WL

Opening Hours

Core hours are Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm. 24 hour emergency cover is provided by contact with the on call radiologist who is contactable via switch board.

Contact Details

Appointment enquiries: 0161 276 6083.
Urgencies only: 0161 276 5067
Fax: 0161 276 4701

Urgent cases should preferably be discussed directly with the department.


This is a consultant led service staffed by fully qualified CASE accredited HPC registered sonographers. The department also has several radiographic assistants (RDAs) who support the clinical staff.

Lynn Kenderdine, Superintendent Sonographer

Additional Information

The department has a commitment to provide teaching to both sonography students and radiology SPRs.