posted 30 March, 2021

Vascular Inpatient Surgery (NMGH)

Who is the service for?

This service is for all patients either referred in by their GP or seen as an emergency with conditions that may affect the blood vessels (blockage or dilatation) to any part of the body, except the heart. The service also treats varicose veins, lymphodema and foot complications of diabetes.

What does the service provide?

Vascular surgery is a specialty of surgery in which diseases of the vascular system, or arteries, veins and lymphatics are managed by medical therapy, minimally-invasive (key-hole) catheter procedures, and surgical intervention.

Arterial Conditions

The vascular unit treats conditions such severe rest pain in the toes or fingers, Non healing wounds, ulcers or gangrene on the legs, feet or upper limbs. Treatment of the complications of diabetes that pertain to the limbs (infection, ulcers gangrene) is also undertaken. The vascular unit works in tandem with the stroke services in the prevention of stroke. This is commonly done by clearing the narrowed carotid artery (main artery in the neck that supplies the brain). This procedure is called a carotid endarterectomy and it is done as a matter of urgency if recommended by the stroke physicians. Aortic aneurysms (main blood vessel in the tummy blowing up like a balloon), are treated in the unit so as to prevent them from rupturing. Both key-hole stenting and open operative repair are undertaken in the unit.

Venous Conditions

The vascular unit provides a service to treat Varicose veins and their complications like leg swelling, pigmentation, pain and ulceration. The treatment may involve, compression bandaging or stockings, laser therapy or day case surgery.In certain situations massive blood clots in the deep veins of the upper leg and pelvis (ilio-femoral DVT) are cleared using thrombolysis (clot busting medicine).

Lymphatic Conditions

Blockage of the lymphatic system in the legs or hands can cause massive swelling, leading to a condition called lympodema. This can happen due to congenital reduction in lymphatics or blockage due to infection, surgery or radiotherapy. The vascular unit can investigate and provide advice on the management of this condition.

Miscellaneous conditions

Conditions such as thoracic outlet syndrome, temporal artery biopsy, insertion of tunnelled lines (for chemotherapy) and mesenteric ischemia (lack of blood supply to the bowel), are also treated in the unit.

Who will the patient meet?

  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Specialist Nurses
  • Surgeons
  • Radiologists and Radiographers
  • Vascular technicians
  • Theatre staff
  • Nursing staff
  • Healthcare assistants

When is the service available?

The Vascular surgery service is available 7 days a week for all emergency referrals and Monday to Friday for non-emergency out-patient referrals from your GP.

Where is the service provided?

Outpatient vascular clinics are provided at North Manchester General. Any therapies, including surgery or key-hole interventions are undertaken at the Royal Oldham Hospital.

Department contact details

Please refer to the contact number at the top of your referral letter.

Practical information

Please bring details of medicines currently being taken to all out-patient appointments. When being admitted please refer to your confirmation letter for specific guidance on what to do before attending the hospital.

Key staff / consultants

Directorate Manager: Mr Gerald O’ Hara

Specialist Nurse: Deborah Ruff

Consultant surgeons:

Mr Kelleher, Mr Madan, Mr Oshodi, Mr Riding, Mr Ibrahim, Mr Shahbazi


Dr Sibanda, Dr Basheb, Dr Lee-Cheong