posted 14 May, 2018

Outpatient X-Ray and A&E

Examinations are performed by radiographers and reported on by either a radiographer or a radiologist.

Most examinations are performed in the department by using one of seven x-ray rooms. We can also perform examinations in the resuscitation room in the Emergency Department for patients who are too unwell to transfer to our department. Most examinations only take a few minutes to perform. Waiting times can be variable due to the open access nature of the service but all patients seen are prioritised on the basis of clinical need.

Procedures Done in the Department

All plain-film examinations, including dental examinations.

Photograph of the Equipment

Admission Information

For Emergency Department referrals we offer a 24/7 service.

For Outpatient Department referrals we have an open access system where no appointments are necessary. These examinations can be performed Mon-Fri 9am-5pm only, unless by prior agreement.

For patients referred to us from GP practices, we have an extended hours open access system (patients can attend Mon-Fri 8am – 8pm and Saturday mornings 8am – 1pm).

Relatives and Escorts

A second person is allowed into the room only when a patients requires them due to their clinical condition or communication problems. This is to comply with radiation protection legislation.

Any Tests/ Preparations Needed

Very few patients need to have any preparation prior to their examination. Patients who are having examinations of their chest, abdomen, spine or pelvis may need to get changed for their examination. The radiographer performing the examination will advise on this at the time of the examination and provide a gown if required. Jewellery may also need to be removed if it will overlie the area being examined.


Main x-ray department, Main Xray, Purple Zone

Manchester Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9WL

Opening Hours

See information under ‘Admission Information’ heading.

Contact Details

Superintendent Radiographer: Jon Kitching

Phone Ext 65492
Bleep 5492

For clinical enquiries: Phone Ext 68580/68593, bleep 8580 out of hours.

Appointments are not necessary for plain film examinations as all patients can use the open access Mon-Fri 9am-5pm service after a referral has been made. If it is not possible for a patient to attend during these hours the radiology booking office is contactable on ext 66083 to make alternative arrangements.


We have a large team of over 30 radiographers who perform a wide range of plain film examinations. In addition to this, we have a plain film reporting team of five radiographers who report plain film examinations.