Monday 3rd February 2020, drop in between 1.00-3.00pm. Trafford General Hospital, Boardroom on Main Corridor
Trafford Audiology Department will be holding a Tinnitus/ Hearing awareness event to raise the profile of hearing loss and tinnitus within the community. This event is being run as part of the National Tinnitus Awareness Week.
In the UK, it is thought that more than 1 in 8 people experience some form of Tinnitus. This can relate to any noise/sound heard in the head or ears without an external source for the sound. It is sometimes described as whistling, rushing, humming sounds and even musical sounds.
Tinnitus can cause people to feel very anxious and frustrated as they feel they can not escape the sounds. It can be very disruptive and prevent people from sleeping. Often, they are told to ignore it as there is nothing that can be done.
However, there are many things that people can do to help relieve the anxiety associated with the tinnitus and, (ultimately), reduce their awareness of the Tinnitus sound. Manchester Audiology Departments offer Tinnitus clinics where local residents have access to Specialist Audiologists who will provide information about the causes and nature of tinnitus, reassurance to reduce anxiety and coping strategies, plus information about ongoing research.
Both Tinnitus and hearing loss can affect a person’s quality of life and their ability to function effectively.
People are not always aware that they have a hearing loss that can be helped: their family and friends may notice it first as they have to repeat things or raise their voice to be heard. The TV may also be set at a higher volume than other family members would like. Hearing aids can often help to resolve this.
The awareness event is open to anyone who would like more information about tinnitus and/or hearing loss. There will be representatives from the British Tinnitus Association, Action on Hearing Loss, Manchester Tinnitus Support Group, and Trafford Hard of Hearing Group to offer advice and demonstrate a range of products that can provide benefit. University of Manchester will be represented by two post graduate students who will have information about their current research project.
Audiologists will be available to answer questions and explain how you can access the tinnitus and hearing services. This is a drop in session so please feel free to call in anytime between 1-3pm.
If you require any further information, please contact Trafford Audiology Department on
Tel: 0161 746 2304 or