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Medical Team

If you are on the ward, you may also meet the ward doctors, who change every three to four months. We are very fortunate to have the services of a specialist in diabetes, Dr Rowe, to help diagnose and manage patients with diabetes. She runs a clinic for CF patients with diabetes, and also assists with ward rounds.

Specialist Nurses

Our Cystic Fibrosis Nurse Specialists are based in the outpatients department here at the Manchester Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre. We provide advice, support, treatment and education for you in the outpatient clinic, on the wards and in the home setting for specific areas of your care.

We are your first point of contact if you feel unwell or have any worries or concerns about your health. We work closely with the medical team and then either initiate treatment, contact your own GP, arrange a clinic appointment or admission to the ward if necessary. We also have two Nurse Specialists based in the outpatient department whose role is to provide specialist care, support and education to patients with Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes.

They can be contacted on 0161 291 2015 Mon – Fri 9:00am-4:00pm

We also have two Nurse Specialists based in the outpatient department whose role is to provide specialist care, support and education to patients with Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes. They can be contacted on 0161 291 4351 Mon – Fri 9:00am-4.00pm

If we are unavailable please leave your name and contact details and we will get back to you.


The physiotherapy team provides ongoing assessment, advice and support for airway clearance techniques, management of breathlessness, and nebuliser therapy including assessing response to nebulised medication and new nebuliser delivery systems. Our physiotherapists also assist with the use of oxygen therapy in hospital and at home and provide support with musculoskeletal pain and problems including postural advice and re-education. They provide exercise programmes in hospital and support for exercise in the community eg at gyms and leisure centres. They also offer physiotherapy to help with urinary incontinence.


The dietetics team at MACFC are here to help advise you on all aspects of nutrition. Amongst other things, this includes managing pancreatic enzymes, supplements and overnight feeding, managing high or low blood sugars, problems with bowels eg constipation, use of vitamins, and maintaining health bones. The dieticians will see patients either on the ward during an admission or in the outpatient clinic.


Our pharmacists and pharmacy technician have a large role in both inpatient and outpatient care. On the ward, they will ensure you are prescribed the correct, safe and appropriate medication. They will involve you in treatment decisions and discuss their treatment plan, resolving any medication related issues such as side effects, allergies or supply problems. The pharmacists take part in the ward rounds and assist the doctors and nurses in clinical decisions made about medical treatment.

In the clinic, we see all patients to review medication and discuss treatments and any related issues. We have also recently opened a dispensing pharmacy in the CF Centre itself so that we can provide the medications, information and advice without the need to attend the main hospital pharmacy. This reduces waiting times and ensures that patients receive specialist information about their medications.

Social Work

The main role of the social workers is to provide information and advice, problem solve, enhance your quality of life, and support you in difficult times. They provide assistance with state benefits and grants, housing, employment, further education, holiday insurance and oxygen funding, and debt management. They can offer support and advice with relationship problems with parents or partners and during periods of change when difficult decisions need to be made or during stressful admission. They can also give you motivational support to stop smoking or re-start treatment which has dropped off.

We aim to enable every patient to have their own Social Worker. Patients largely decide how much contact they have with Social Workers and can contact them by phone, e-mail or through other staff. They are available in clinic or on the ward and can do home visits. To contact the Social Work team, call 0161 291 2045 / 0161 291 2044 / 0161 291 2077.


Dealing with health issues can be stressful at times and we have our own Clinical Psychology service to help with this. Sessions with a psychologist can help you find new ways to cope with difficult situations. Common reasons for referral include: problems with mood, confidence and self esteem, anxiety or worries, managing anger or relationship/family difficulties, or stress management/relaxation skills. The psychologists also work with people who are having difficulty managing treatments or any aspects of hospital care. You may also sometimes see one of the psychologists as part of your annual review.

Any patient attending MACFC can ask to see one of the Clinical Psychologists, or may be referred by the CF team.  Sessions are usually in the CF unit, on a one to one basis and confidentiality will always be discussed with you.  Please feel free to get in touch if you would like any more information about this service.