News posted 17 July, 2020

Public & Staff Members: Your NHS Foundation Trust Needs You – Stand in our 2020 Council of Governor Elections

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  • Public & Staff Members: Your NHS Foundation Trust Needs You – Stand in our 2020 Council of Governor Elections

Are you passionate about the NHS?  Would you like to be a voice for patients, their families, carers and NHS staff? If so, have you considered standing for election as a Governor of our NHS Foundation Trust?

Governors are responsible for representing the interests and views of both our public and staff members alongside the general public, seeking performance assurance from our Board of Directors (people responsible for running our hospitals), and also helping us to shape the Trust’s future health priorities and plans:

  • On behalf of members, the Council of Governors sit around table with the Board of Directors to share both their and members’ views during decision-making processes and when formulating future plans
  • Members therefore have a voice, through the Council of Governors (their elected representatives), which ultimately helps us to shape our future service provisions to more meet our members’, and their family’s needs.

Eligible staff and public members (aged 16 years or over) can nominate themselves to stand for election as a Governor.  You do not need specific qualifications for the role, just an interest in healthcare and a commitment to representing members to the best of your ability.

We truly appreciate your interest in and support for our Trust, and do hope that you will consider standing for election as a Governor,” said MFT’s Group Chairman Kathy Cowell   OBE DL

We look forward to working with our Governors and members in the future to develop our hospitals and provide world-class services for adults and children.”

If you would like to nominate yourself as a candidate for election as a Staff or Public Governor, please complete a ‘Nomination Form’ with the quickest way of doing this being online:

Alternatively, you can contact the Returning Officer, Ciara Hutchinson at Civica Election Services (CES) via:

  • Telephone: 020 8889 9203
  • Email:
  • Text: 2FT MF and your name and address to 88802
  • Post: The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London. N8 0NW

The nomination process formally opened on Friday, 17th July 2020 with all completed Staff and Public Nomination Forms being received by CES by 5pm on Monday, 3rd August 2020.

To find out more about the election process, download a ‘Candidate Information Pack’, or visit our Governor ‘Election’ webpage at:

Or you can contact our Foundation Trust Membership Office by:

  • E-mail:
  • Post: Freepost Plus RRBR-AXBU-XTZT, MFT NHS Trust, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL
  • Phone: 0161 276 8661 (office hours 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday; answering machine outside these hours)