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Governor Elections 2024 Be the ‘Elected Voice’ of our members (Public and Staff) alongside the wider general public, representing their interests and views.

The Trust gives notice that it is holding elections to the Council of Governors of the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. Further details, including Governor seats to be filled, are outlined below:

2024- Governor Election Timetable Candidate Information Pack including Frequently Asked Questions – Governor Elections 2024

Governor Elections 2024 – Public Governor seats open for Election:

Five (5) Public Governor seats are open in the following Public Constituencies:

Public Constituency Seats open for election:     Public Constituency Maps:
Manchester Two (2) Please click here 
Rest of Greater Manchester Two (2) Please click here
Rest of England & Wales One (1) Wards that fall out of the above public consistencies are captured in the Rest of England & Wales Constituency

Please note: During the current 2024 Governor Election process, there are NO seats open for election in the Trafford & Eastern Cheshire Public Constituencies.

Staff Governors

Please note: During the current 2024 Governor Election process, there are NO Staff Governor seats open for election.


In order to be eligible to stand for election as a Governor, candidates must meet our Governor Criteria which includes:

  • Governors must be Members of Manchester University NHS Foundation.
  • Governors must be at least 16 years old.
  • Public Governors must live in the area (constituency) that they represent.
  • Staff Governors must have a job role in the staff class (constituency) they represent.
  • Nominated (Appointed) Governors must be supported in office by the partner organisation that they represent.


If you are interested in standing for election as a Governor, you need to complete a ‘Candidate Nomination Form’ with the election being run by an independent, external organisation, i.e. Civica Election Services. Nomination forms to stand for election to the aforementioned Governor positions can be completed online or obtained from the Retuning Officer, Ciara Hutchinson, via the following ways:


Completed Online:


Returning Officer Name:



020 8889 9203

Ciara Hutchinson

Civica Election Services

The Election Centre

33 Clarendon Road

London. N8 0NW


A printable version of the Public Nomination Form can also be found below:

Public Nomination Form


All nominations should be received by the Returning Officer, Ciara Hutchinson, at the address or website as detailed above, by 5pm on Wednesday, 31st July 2024.

Should any nominee wish to withdraw their nomination, they must put this in writing to the Returning Officer (Ciara Hutchinson) by 5pm on Monday, 5th August 2024.

For all contested Governor seats/constituencies, voting will open on Wednesday, 28th August 2024. Voting will close at 5pm on Tuesday, 17th September 2024.

The regulations governing this election can be obtained from Civica Election Services Ltd. (address as above).

The Independent Scrutineer for these elections is Civica Election Services Ltd. (address as above).

The Returning Officer for these elections is Ciara Hutchinson of Civica Election Services Ltd (address as above or e-mail –


Civica Election Nomination instruction video – Preparing for An Election

For more information on how to nominate yourself, how to write an effective election statement and how the election process works, you can view this instruction video which is available via the below link via the Civica election website –

In addition, sample candidate statements can also be requested directly from Civica Election Services (contact details above), who will also be able to provide further assistance to complete your nomination form.

Become More Involved – Stand for Election as a Governor

All our members are equal, but the Trust recognises that some members may wish to become more involved in the life of our NHS Foundation Trust than others. One of the biggest ways that you can get involved is to put yourself forward to stand for election to our Council of Governors.  You do not need specific qualifications for the Governor role, other than a commitment to representing constituents (members and the public) to the best of your ability.  An induction programme and on-going training is provided to Governors upon being successfully elected.

Standing for Election as a Governor of our NHS Foundation Trust

Our Trust has 32 elected and nominated (appointed) Governors who together make up our Council of Governors.  The majority of our Governors (24 out of 32) are directly elected from and by our members (public and staff).  All qualifying public and staff members, that are aged 16 years or over, are able to nominate themselves to stand for election as a Governor during the election process.

Governors are responsible for representing the interests and views of our public and staff members alongside the general public, seeking performance assurance from our Board of Directors, and helping us to shape the Trust’s future priorities and plans:

  • On behalf of members, the Council of Governors sit around table with the Board of Directors to share both their and member’s views during decision-making processes and when formulating future plans
  • Members therefore have a voice, through the Council of Governors (their elected representatives), which ultimately helps us to shape our future service provisions to more meet our members’, and their family’s needs.

Why are Governor Elections held?

The Trust holds Governor Elections each year to fill any vacant seats on our Council of Governors and/or to open up seats for Governor positions whose term of office is coming to an end.  Our elections are run by an independent, external organisation with members (public and staff) voting for the candidate(s) that they wish to be elected to our Council of Governors using the ‘Single Transferrable Voting’ (STV) system.

Over the years, many of our public and staff members have been interested in standing for election as a Governor with some of their key motivations being:

  • Having a passionate commitment to the NHS and to the Trust’s hospitals and a desire to make a difference alongside giving something positive back to the NHS.
  • To make a positive contribution to ensure patients and carers get the highest quality of care at the Trust and, on their behalf, seeking performance assurances from the Trust’s Board of Directors.
  • To use their personal experience as a patient/carer to help improve standards of care quality and safety, and the care environment.
  • To help the Trust to consider patient/staff views when responding to any challenges it faces e.g. finance, restructuring, increasing demand etc.
  • To be a voice/advocate for what matters the most to patients and their families, and to the wider community.
  • To be a voice/advocate for staff and share their perspective with the Board of Directors.
  • To give a voice to particular communities/groups e.g. minority groups, people with learning disabilities etc.
  • To support the Trust in putting patients at its core and foster a culture of valuing and engaging staff.

If you would like to find out more about the Governor role or election process, please contact Donna Beddows, Foundation Trust Membership Manager, via e-mail

Become a member

We are committed to establishing a truly representative membership and welcome Members and Governors from all backgrounds, religions, beliefs, race, colour, gender, marital status, disability, sex, sexual orientation, age, social or economic status or national origin.

If you are not currently a Member and are interested in standing for election as a Governor, please complete an on-line Membership Application Form, scan the QR code below, or alternatively you can contact the Foundation Trust Membership Office (contact details below) for a paper form.

As part of the NHS membership application process, you will be asked to supply your personal data, with any data that you supply being used only to contact you about the Trust’s Membership and/or other related issues and will be processed for these purposes only, will not be shared with third parties and will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act.  A copy of MFT’s privacy notice can be found on the Trust’s website

If you would like to discuss membership and/or if already a member the information that you supplied as part of your initial membership application process has changed or changes in the future, or if you wish to cancel your membership, please contact the Foundation Trust Membership Office:

By Post:

Freepost Plus RRBR-AXBU-XTZT
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9WL

By Phone:

0161 276 8661

(office hours 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday; answering machine outside these hours)
