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Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust's expert technical, scientific and clinical teams offer a comprehensive laboratory testing service. Together with our dedicated primary care service and electronic communications, we can make sure GP practices and their patients get the most out of our diagnostic testing.


Getting test results

ORC and Trafford sites

Biochemistry, Haematology and Immunology: For enquiries and results call the Laboratory Service Desk on 0161 276 8766 between 8am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. For out-of-hours Biochemistry or Haematology urgent results and enquiries, call the switchboard on 0161 276 1234 and bleep the on-call biomedical scientist.

Microbiology and Virology: For enquiries and results call the Laboratory Service Desk on 0161 276 8788 and press option 1 between 8am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. For out-of-hours Microbiology or Virology urgent results and enquiries, call the switchboard on 0161 276 1234 and request the on-call consultant.

Download a printable list of useful contact numbers for Oxford Road and Trafford sites

Wythenshawe hospital

For results and general enquiries call 0161 291 2126 between 9am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

Outside of these hours call the switchboard on 0161 998 7070 to bleep the on-call biomedical scientist for the department you require.

Download a printable list of useful contact numbers for Wythenshawe hospital

Labs IT support

Between 8am and 4pm telephone 0161 276 4079, alternatively email

IT downtime forms

If electronic test requesting is not available, use the following temporary manual forms:

GP enquiries

We want to be sure our primary care users have the best access to our services. If you have any difficulties or want to make a suggestion, contact our Business Support Team on 0161 276 4428 or 0161 276 8011.

For IT support email

Manchester Anaemia Guide

The Manchester Anaemia Guide has been developed in collaboration with haematologists, gastroenterologists and GPs in Central Manchester. The algorithms are designed to guide the clinician through the investigation and management of anaemia.

High ferritins guide for GPs

Download the high ferritins guide for GPs.


(Last reviewed July 2024)