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The Therapeutic Stem Cell Laboratory is based in a purpose-built facility at the Oxford Road Campus. The laboratory offers a comprehensive service to the two on-site clinical stem cell transplant units for adults and paediatrics.

The specialised laboratory is accredited with the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) and the Joint Accreditation Committee for ISCT and EBMT (JACIE).

The role of the laboratory is to provide high quality haemopoietic progenitor cell preparations and related products for stem cell transplantation.

Over the years the indications for haematopoietic stem cell treatment has increased and at the same time alternative sources of haematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) such as mobilized peripheral blood stem cells and cord blood are being increasingly used.

Currently, stem cells are harvested from three sources, bone marrow, peripheral blood and cord blood (which is harvested on a directed recipient basis only). In addition, donor lymphocyte preparations are collected from peripheral blood either directly by venepuncture or by apheresis collection. Procurement may be on site or organised through various bone marrow registries.

Donations are processed according to prescription from the clinical consultant in an aseptic facility. The products may be infused within a short time period or cryopreserved for later use.

Contact us:

Lead BMS & HTA Designated Individual Stem Cell Laboratories: 0161 701 1248

Chief BMS Stem Cell Laboratories: 0161 701 1248

Postal address:

Therapeutic Stem Cell Laboratory
4th Floor
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
Oxford Road
M13 9WA

(Last reviewed July 2024)