Dr Noreen Akram
Orthodontist ConsultantAbout
Ms Noreen Akram graduated in Dentistry from the University of Manchester in 1999. Following her graduation, she completed vocational training locally and subsequently underwent advanced clinical training as a Senior House Officer at Royal Preston Hospital and Lancaster Infirmary. In 2002, she gained her MFDS RCS Eng and commenced her specialization in Orthodontics at Manchester University, obtaining her MOrth from the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2006 and qualifying as a specialist in orthodontics; She also concurrently gained a Master of Philosophy in Orthodontics at the University of Manchester.
Ms Akram was appointed as a Senior Registrar in Orthodontics at Liverpool Dental Hospital and Arrowe Park Hospital in 2006 and qualified as a consultant upon gaining the Intercollegiate Speciality Fellowship in Orthodontics in 2008
Ms Akram was appointed as Consultant in Orthodontics at NMGH in 2009 where she continues to work. She is a MFDS examiner for the RCS England, clinical supervisor, educational supervisor, Masters research supervisor, medical appraiser, member of the orthodontic MCN and is involved in teaching on the postgraduate program at the University of Manchester. She has a specialist interest in Orthognathic treatment, Hypodontia and Behavioural Management and currently serves as Clinical Lead for Orthodontics at North Manchester General Hospital.
Contact Details
Personal Assistant at North Manchester: Ms Teresa Bereznecki. Tel: 0161 604 5400
Personal Assistant at Fairfield General: Ms Margi Merriman. Tel: 0161 778 3638