Consultants Finder

Consultants A-Z

Photo of Dr Theo Manias
Dr Theo Manias

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Photo of Mr Massimo Maranzano
Mr Massimo Maranzano

Consultant Oral Maxillo-Facial, Head & Neck, Facial Plastic Surgeon

Placeholder photo for Dr John Mason
Dr John Mason

Consultant Gastroenterologist at Trafford

Placeholder photo for Dr Graham Mason
Dr Graham Mason

Consultant in Paediatric Critical Care

Photo of Dr Yasser Masood
Dr Yasser Masood

ST 1-3 Lead, ANNP Lead and Consultant Neonatologist

Placeholder photo for

Consultant Geriatrician with specialist interest in surgical liaison & Clinical Lead (Dept of Medicine for Older People)

Placeholder photo for Dr Scott Mather
Dr Scott Mather

Consultant Geriatrician with specialist interest in surgical liaison & Clinical Lead (Dept of Medicine for Older People)

Photo of Dr Raj Mathur
Dr Raj Mathur

Consultant Gynaecologist, Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

Placeholder photo for Dr Daniel Mattison
Dr Daniel Mattison

Consultant Paediatrician

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