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*Our expert team looks after patients with challenging or severe infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Examples include: suspected or proven tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis B and C, chronic & allergic aspergillosis, candidosis, superficial fungal infections and travel related infections. The team also supports patients who require intravenous antibiotics for the treatment of infections in the community (OPAT service). MFT Infectious Diseases is also the home for the UK National Aspergillosis Centre.

Patients are referred to our Infectious Diseases service by their GP, hospital Consultant, specialist nurse or other health professional. We offer testing, diagnosis and treatment, which may include a period of hospital admission for monitoring and support. After discharge, patients are followed up in our outpatient clinics. Our expert team also provide consultation and support for transplant patients, cystic fibrosis patients, patients with bone and joint infection, patients in intensive care and those undergoing cancer therapies or are on ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation).


The MFT Infectious Diseases service is based at Wythenshawe Hospital.

The TB Clinic, General Infectious Diseases Clinic, Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis & Fungal Asthma Clinic take place in the North West Lung Centre located in the Yellow Zone near Entrance 3, off Southmoor Road.

The Viral hepatitis clinics take place in the North West Heart Centre located in the Yellow Zone near Entrance 6 or 7, off Southmoor Road.

The OPAT service is based at ward F11 (OPAT Infusion Clinic) in the Orange Zone but OPAT Thursday clinic takes place in the North West Lung Centre located in the Yellow Zone near Entrance 3, off Southmoor Road.

The closest parking is in the main visitor car park, located in front of the Acute Block.

Contact Us

Phone: 0161 291 2891/4362

Please note that the National Aspergillosis Centre does not operate with choose and book. Referrals to the NAC must be made directly to the Centre.

Conditions and Clinics

  • Monday am: Tuberculosis & General Infectious Diseases Clinic, OPAT Infusion Clinic
  • Tuesday am: OPAT Infusion Clinic
  • Wednesday am: OPAT Infusion Clinic
  • Wednesday pm: Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis & Fungal Asthma Clinic, Viral Hepatitis Clinic
  • Thursday am: OPAT Clinic, OPAT Infusion Clinic
  • Thursday pm: General Infectious Diseases Clinic, Nurse-led Viral Hepatitis Clinic
  • Friday am/pm: Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis Clinic, OPAT Infusion Clinic
  • Saturday: OPAT Infusion Clinic
  • Sunday: OPAT Infusion Clinic

General Infectious Diseases Clinic

This clinic follows patients with infection-related problems like fever of unknown cause, returned travellers, or patients with infections discharged from hospital. Examples are bone and joint infections or infections following surgical procedures.

Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) Clinic and OPAT Infusion Clinic

Patients needing intavenous antibiotic treatment but are otherwise well enough to be at home can be refereed to our OPAT service. Patients on intravenous antibiotics in the community are followed in the OPAT clinic whereas patients who prefer to or need to get their infusions at hospital are seen at the OPAT Infusion Clinic.

Tuberculosis (TB) Clinic

Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that usually affects the lungs, leading to persistent symptoms including a cough, weight loss, fever, and tiredness. It is spread by inhaling droplets from the coughs or sneezes of someone with the infection. In less common cases, extra-pulmonary tuberculosis can develop in areas outside the lungs, such as the lymph nodes (small glands that form part of the immune system), the bones and joints, the digestive system, the bladder and reproductive system, and the nervous system (brain and nerves). It is a serious but treatable condition, which usually involves a hospital stay followed by long-term outpatient treatment at our clinics until they are well and clear of infection.

Our team has extensive expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of TB and non-tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) infections.

Candidosis Clinic (Advice and Guidance only)

Candida is a yeast that can cause infections that range in severity from thrush to potentially life-threatening conditions. Infections involving mucosal surfaces including the vulvovaginal region (more commonly known as ‘thrush’) or the throat. The more serious diseases are usually confined to people with compromised immune systems, such as cancer, transplant recipients, and HIV/AIDS patients.

The ID team has extensive expertise in diagnosing and managing challenging Candida infections and candidosis complicated by the patient’s complex medical history. Our team also works closely with our sexual health service enabling holistic patient care.

Useful links:

Hepatitis B and C

Hepatitis B and C viruses infect the liver following exposure to the body fluids of an infected person, for example by sharing needles to inject drugs, from mother to child during pregnancy, through transfusion of infected blood products, or by sexual contact. If left undiagnosed and untreated, these conditions can cause serious liver damage including cirrhosis and a risk of developing liver cancer or ‘hepatocellular carcinoma’ (HCC). Infections caused by Hepatitis B and C are treatable with medication, meaning that infections can be controlled or even cured in many cases.

  • Hepatitis C is particularly prevalent in Greater Manchester, with in excess of 20,000 cases. It can be cured with treatment in 95% of cases.
  • Hepatitis B treatment can reduce the risk of further progression of liver disease, reduce mortality and improve quality of life.

Our team works closely with local drug services, sexual health, gastroenterology, radiology and histology services. A fast track referral process from our maternity department to the viral hepatitis clinic is also in place for women with chronic hepatitis B who are pregnant, to ensure the mother and unborn child receive any treatment and support necessary.

Viral hepatitis assessment and treatment clinics are held every week and we offer a nurse-led hepatitis C treatment clinic. The service also provides nurse-led hepatitis C assessment via outreach service.

Read more at the British Liver Trust or the Hepatitis C Trust.

To talk to someone right away please call the Hepatitis C Trust helpline on 0845 223 4424


Our sexual health service, based at MFT’s Withington Hospital, accepts self-referrals for the screening, diagnosing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections including HIV. We aim to see most patients within 48 hours.

For more information about appointments and walk-in clinics for HIV and STIs please visit the Northern Sexual Health website or call 0161 217 4939.


1st Floor, Withington Community Hospital

Nell Lane

Manchester, M20 2LR

Nursing Team

  • Rochelle Baron, Infectious Diseases Specialist Nurse (Lead Tuberculosis)
  • Adam Bartle, Infectious Diseases Specialist Nurse
  • Lincy Cyriac, Infectious Diseases Specialist Nurse
  • Smitha James, Infectious Diseases Specialist Nurse
  • Debbie Kennedy, Infectious Diseases Specialist Nurse (Lead Viral Hepatitis)
  • Jenny White, Infectious Diseases Specialist Nurse (Lead Aspergillosis)
  • Carol Toner (Senior Healthcare Assistant)

Specialist Clinical Pharmacist

  • Fiona Lynch
