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Important Notice

We have an ongoing delay to the Genome-wide DNA Methylation Profiling to Aid Variant Interpretation (R431) service. We anticipate that these issues will be resolved soon and assure you that our scientific team will be working hard to recover the backlog as quickly as possible to resume service as normal. Please accept our sincere apologies for the impact this delay has on patients and their families.

The North West Genomic Laboratory Hub (GLH) is one of a network of seven GLHs across the country, which together forms the new national Genomic Medicine Service. Each GLH is responsible for coordinating services for a particular part of the country.

The NW GLH has been implementing several quality improvements to align systems across the Liverpool and Manchester laboratory sites. Currently, we are rolling out a new standardised report style for services delivered by the NW GLH to improve consistency and uniformity of the information provided on our reports. Please note that the UKAS accreditation symbol does not feature on the report; it is displayed on our website (under ‘Accreditation’) along with relevant links to our schedule of accreditation. If you have any comments or queries regarding the new style of reports, please contact us.