Dr Arindam Mukherjee
Research Lead, Expertise in Cardiology, Consultant Neonatologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Manchester UniversityQualifications:
Special Interests:
Functional echocardiography; Regional circulation and neonatal haemodynamics.
Dr Mukherjee qualified in India in 1995 and underwent post graduate training in Paediatrics in India. He completed his UK CCT training in 2013 as a subspecialty grid trainee in neonatology at St Thomas Hospital, Kings College Hospital and St Georges Hospital in London. He took up the consultant post at Saint Mary’s Hospital in 2014.
He has a special interest in Cardiology and his primary areas of expertise include functional echocardiography, regional circulation and neonatal haemodynamics.
Dr Mukherjee holds a Senior Lecturer position with the University of Manchester and is Academic advisor for Medical students.
He is a member of PECSIG (Paediatricians with Expertise in Cardiology Special Interest Group) and NICHe (Neonatologists with interest in Cardiology and Haemodynamics) in the UK. Dr Mukherjee is accredited in Congenital Heart Disease Echocardiography by EACVI (European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging, endorsed by European Society of Cardiology). He runs independent Neonatal Heart Review Clinics. He contributes as faculty for neonatal Echocardiography courses in the UK, Principal Investigator for Baby-Oscar trial and enjoys teaching Echocardiography to the Neonatologists, neonatal grid trainees and Paediatric trainees with an interest in Cardiology. He is also the audit lead in the Neonatal Unit at Saint Mary’s Hospital and an NLS instructor.