The Gynaecological Oncology Team provides a wide range of services including:
- Gynaecological Oncology clinic
- Gynaecology Cancer Exclusion clinic
- Laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery
- Fertility sparing surgery (for cervical cancer)
- Vulval clinic (complex vulval problems)
- Colposcopy clinic
- Prophylactic (preventative) surgery for endometrial or ovarian cancer
There is also a dedicated team of Macmillan Gynaecology Nurse Specialists.
How would my care be managed?
Our specialists are experts at treating and managing gynaecological cancers and understand how cancers present, what they look like, how they behave, how and when to test for it and how it may affect your life. They are involved with your investigations, diagnosis and treatment options.
All patients with a suspected or confirmed cancer are discussed at a weekly Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) meeting, which includes Surgeons, Radiologists, Pathologists, Medical and Clinical Oncologists and Clinical Nurse Specialists.
The benefit of this approach is that all the specialists meet to discuss different treatment options and are able to reach a joint decision about your individual treatment plan.
We also have links with the Palliative Care Team who may provide help and advice for women at any stage of their treatment.
What if I need treatment?
Surgery for Gynaecological Cancers is carried out at Saint Mary’s Hospital. We also carry out prophylactic (preventative) gynaecological surgery and receive referrals from the Clinical Genetics Department for women with a strong family history of gynaecological cancers.
If radiotherapy or chemotherapy is needed as part of the treatment, this is provided at The Christie Hospital.
The department is an active academic unit with ongoing programmes of both clinical and laboratory research. We also have strong links with researchers at The Christie Hospital. Women therefore have access to new surgical and non-surgical treatments that are being developed.
Currently we are involved in studies of surgery in ovarian cancer and vulval cancer. We have close links with clinical trials of screening for ovarian cancer.
Our staff:
We have a dedicated team within gynaecology cancer services comprising Consultants, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists and support staff.
What is a Macmillan Gynaecology Nurse Specialist?
This is a Macmillan Nurse who specialises in the care of women with gynaecological cancers and their families. She may also be known as your key worker.
Our role is to offer emotional support, information and practical advice from the time of diagnosis, throughout the course of treatment and afterwards.
The Macmillan Gynaecology Nurse is a member of the Multi-disciplinary Team who works both on the wards and in the out-patient department.
We try to help with all aspects of cancer, treatments and living with cancer and if cancer returns. We are supported by a Menopause Nurse Specialist and Psychosexual Service.
Patients and relatives can also access The Macmillan Cancer Information Centre. Here we have up to date, accurate information on all aspects of cancer, both in written form and DVDs and CDs. Information in different languages is also available. There is support with internet access and finding information from reputable sites.
What is a multi-disciplinary team (MDT)?
The members of the gynaecology MDT are experts at treating and managing gynaecological cancers. They are involved with your investigations, diagnosis and treatment options. These specialists understand how cancers present, what they look like, how they behave, how and when to test for it and how it may affect your life. All these people play a significant part in supporting you and your family during and after treatment.
Why does the MDT meet?
The purpose of the MDT is to plan treatment for women with gynaecological cancers. They meet weekly and each woman’s case history, scans and laboratory results are reviewed and discussed by the different specialists. An individual treatment plan is then recommended for each woman. The benefit of the MDT is that all the specialists are together, the different treatment options are discussed and a joint decision is made.
Who are the members of the MDT?
The members are experts from Saint Mary’s Hospital and other hospitals within the North East Sector of the Cancer Network. They include:
- Gynaecology Oncology Surgeon: a surgeon who has specialised in treating cancer of the female reproductive organs.
- Medical Oncologists: doctors who specialise in the treatment of cancer with drugs, this includes chemotherapy (anti-cancer drugs).
- Clinical Oncologists: doctors who specialise in the treatment of cancer with radiotherapy treatments (high energy X-rays), they can also prescribe chemotherapy (anti-cancer drugs).
- Radiologists: doctors who specialise in using X-ray and other imaging scans to diagnose and manage the disease.
- Histopathologist: a specialist doctor who examines body tissues and organs under the microscope to aid diagnosis.
- Macmillan Gynaecology Nurse Specialists: act as a point of contact for you and your family throughout your treatment.
In addition, other nurse specialists, other doctors, health professionals and the MDT co-ordinator, who ensures the meetings are run efficiently, may attend the MDT meeting.
While you are being treated at Saint Mary’s Hospital, you will be under the care of one of our consultants. If you are diagnosed with cancer, then you may require Chemotherapy and/or Radiotherapy. This treatment takes place at the Christie Hospital, and you will be under the care of one of the following clinical/medical oncologists. Each consultant works as a member of the Gynaecology Multi-disciplinary Team.
Throughout your care, we will agree treatment options with you on an individual basis; you will be given verbal and written information to support this. This will decide which Team members will be involved in your care.
If you or any member of your family would like further information about your condition or your treatment at Saint Mary’s Hospital, or if you have any concerns or need for further support, you can contact the Macmillan Gynaecology Nurses on the number given below.
If no-one is in the office, please leave your name, contact number and a short message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
There are a number of Macmillan Gynaecology Nurse Specialists in the team at Saint Mary’s Hospital. If your designated Nurse Specialist/key worker is not on duty, another Nurse Specialist from the team will support you until your key worker returns.

Where will I be seen?
Clinics are held in the Gynaecology Out-patient Department on the ground floor of Saint Mary’s Hospital.
How can I access this service?
You would need to be referred by either your General Practitioner (GP), Hospital Consultant or a Clinical Geneticist.
Clinic times:
Morning clinics are held on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Contact details:
To cancel/change appointments: (0161) 701 7552 / 701 8116 / (9.00 am – 5.00 pm)
Macmillan Nurse Specialists – (0161) 276 6394 (9.00 am – 5.00 pm).
- Dr Richard Clayton - Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist
- Professor Emma Crosbie - Professor of Gynaecological Oncology
- Dr Cathrine Holland - Consultant Gynaecological Surgeon and Oncologist