Antenatal Clinic for Trafford patients
Trafford Hospital provides a range of antenatal care for women who live in Trafford, who are choosing to birth at St. Mary’s Oxford Road Campus and St. Mary’s at Wythenshawe.
We offer:
- Midwifery-led care
- Consultant-led care
- Screening tests
- Glucose tolerance tests
- Ultrasound scanning
- Blood tests as required in pregnancy
- Smoking cessation advice and support
Trafford services are undergoing review and transformation and are hoping to offer more services to the women of Trafford soon.
Consultant clinics Tuesday-Thursday
Midwifery-led clinics Monday-Friday
Our staff:
Dr Jenny Barber, Consultant Obstetrician
Dr Gemma McLeod, Consultant Obstetrician
Dr Uzma Kashif, Consultant Obstetrician
Healthcare Support Workers
Clerical staff
How can I access the service?
You can be referred by your midwife or GP
Antenatal Clinic
Ground floor (Red Zone)
Trafford General Hospital
Moorside Road
M41 5SL
Contact telephone numbers:
- Main switchboard number 0161 748 4022
- Antenatal Clinic reception 0161 746 2026
- Midwives’ office 0161 746 2439
- Ultrasound scan department 0161 746 2001