Ian Daniels
Director of Business & Innovation
Board member
Following my graduation from Manchester Metropolitan University with a BA in Business, I started working for the NHS in 2004 as a junior commissioner at the Primary Care Trust in my home town of Warrington. During my time at the PCT I moved in to the area of provider contracting and performance management, ultimately becoming Head of Performance for the organisation in 2008. At the beginning of 2011, I joined Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as Business Analyst, providing support to the Saint Mary’s Hospital Division. In 2013 I was appointed Head of Programme Management for the Division taking on responsibility for developing the newly formed Saint Mary’s Programme Management Office which was tasked with providing support for service improvement work across the Division. I was subsequently appointed Deputy Divisional Director for Saint Mary’s in January 2017. Following the creation of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and the Saint Mary’s Hospital Managed Clinical Service (MCS), I was delighted to be appointed as the Hospital Director of Business and Innovation, taking on responsibility for business and innovation planning and development across the MCS.
Away from work I live in the south Warrington village of Lymm with my wife Maureen. My hobbies include gardening, aviation and supporting the Warrington Wolves rugby league team.