Professor Bill Newman
Clinical Head of Division and Senior Lecturer in Clinical GeneticsQualifications: MA FRCP PhD
Registration: GMC 3617744
Professional bodies: British Society for Genetic Medicine (Chair of Scientific Program Committee), American Society of Human Genetics, European Society of Human Genetics (Board member).
Role: Consultant Clinical Geneticist, Genetic Medicine and Clinical Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester
Contact: 0161 701 0980
Biography: Dr Newman is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester, and Honorary Consultant in Genetic Medicine since 2004. He studied Medicine at Manchester University and completed professional training in Clinical Genetics undertaking a PhD as a Wellcome Trust Fellow on the genetics of skeletal development. Bill moved to Toronto to undertake a Fellowship with Professor Kathy Siminovitch where he worked on genetic studies in rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. His research is now primarily focussed on pharmacogenetics (response to medication), especially in cancer treatment. His clinical work is increasingly directed to working with families with inherited heart problems.
Clinics: general clinic for adult onset genetic disorders, inherited cardiac disorders e.g. cardiomyopathy and arrhythmia disorders. Blackpool Victoria Hospital clinic