In this section

The service offers age appropriate care to children and teenagers in a non-threatening environment and provides support for children in the transition to adult care in a supportive and familiar environment.

We see children/young people with gynaecological conditions* including:

  • Menstrual disorders
  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pre-pubertal bleeding
  • Vulval disorders
  • Pelvic pain
  • Ovarian disorders
  • Sexual development disorders. (These are seen within a multi-disciplinary setting which also involves an advanced nurse specialist and clinical psychologist.)

*Please note: termination of pregnancy and contraceptive advice is not covered in this service.  Young patients requiring these services should contact the Whitworth Clinic, which is a specialised service and it not age dependant.

The Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology Service offers new referral appointments, follow up care and surgery when required.  The service is also part of the multi-disciplinary team for bladder extrophy in the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

Key Staff

The service is run by a Consultant Gynaecologist with support from an Advanced Nurse Practitioner/Sexual Health Specialist and a Clinical Psychologist.

How can I/my child access this service?

Referrals may be made by your GP or Hospital Consultants.

Where will I/my child be seen?

Out-patient clinics are held in the Gynaecology Out-patient Department on the ground floor of Saint Mary’s Hospital and in the Children’s Out-patient Department, ground floor, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

Clinic times:

Individual appointments are given.

Contact details:

Secretary: (0161) 276 6119;  Monday – Friday, 9.00 am – 4.00 pm.
