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If you require a journal article or a book that we do not have in our collection, we can request it for you from another library.

Charges for this services are listed below.

​You can either pay for your requested item on collection at your site library or if you provide us with a cost code, we can recharge your department, subject to approval by your budget holder.

Article request form Book request form
Articles sourced from: Articles charge:
Regional library No charge
British Library £8
Book sourced from: Book loan charge:
Regional library No charge
British Library £10
British Library book renewal £5


Urgent book and article requests Urgent service charges:
24-hour electronic delivery of an article from the British Library £20
2-hour electronic delivery of an article from the British Library £30
Find it for me – extended search charge made by the British Library to find alternative suppliers. This is non-refundable if no suppliers
are found.  The supplying library will charge an addition fee for supplying.
Get it for me – extended search charge made by the British Library to find alternative suppliers by the British Library. This is non-refundable
if no suppliers are found.  The supplying library will charge an addition fee for supplying.

We will process 95% of inter library loan requests within 1 working day of receipt