Request a literature search
We will carry out a thorough search using a range of appropriate databases and send you the results via email. Please ensure you provide us with as much information as possible about your search topic.
Please note:
- Results sent will not be screened or synthesized.
- Results will include links to full-text links to articles where available.
- We will not search for unpublished papers or grey literature sources.
- Searches cannot be carried out if the purpose is for a marked course or assignment. However, we can offer training to help you undertake the search yourself.
To proceed, please complete the literature search request form below.
Systematic review support and assistance
Before you proceed with your request, we recommend reading this definition of a systematic review.
Library assistance with your systematic review:
If you are planning to carry out a systematic review, it is recommended to involve a librarian in the process. Research indicates that this results in significantly higher quality reported search strategies. (1)
A librarian can work with you to create a robust search strategy, as well as advise you on other aspects of the review process, including question formulation, PRISMA flow diagrams, reference management, and screening tools.
Depending on the extent of our involvement, we anticipate that the librarian will be listed as an author or mentioned in acknowledgements for any published paper resulting from the searches.
By completing the form below, we will carry out a thorough and sensitive search using a range of appropriate databases. If you require our assistance for anything beyond this or would like to discuss your project with us first, please get in touch.
Library staff publication co-authorships
Rowland A… Schaff O et al. The time for debate is over: The health, education, and legal case for legislative change to prohibit and eliminate all physical punishment of children and to achieve equal protection from assault in England and Northern Ireland. Children and Youth Services Review (2025)
Lewis O… Schaff O et al. Regional anaesthesia research priorities: a Regional Anaesthesia UK (RA-UK) priority setting partnership involving patients, carers and healthcare professionals. Association of Anaesthetists (2025)
Kibirige D …Morgan B et al. Differential manifestation of type 2 diabetes in Black Africans and White Europeans with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes: A systematic review. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews (2024)
Bongomin F…Morgan B et al. Frequency of fungal pathogens in autopsy studies of people who died with HIV in Africa: a scoping review. Clinical Microbiology and Infection (2024)
Kibirige D… Morgan B et al. Prevalence, Clinical Features, and Predictors of Adrenal Insufficiency in Adults With Tuberculosis or HIV: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Open Forum Infectious Diseases (2024)
Ferry J… Morgan B et al. Research priorities in regional anaesthesia: an international Delphi study. British Journal of Anaesthesia (2024)
Patel K… Morgan B et al. Subsequent pregnancy outcomes after second trimester miscarriage or termination for medical/fetal reason: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (2024)
Clayton-Smith M… Schaff O et al. Greener Operations: a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership to define research priorities in environmentally sustainable perioperative practice through a structured consensus approach. BMJ Open (2023)
Bongomin F… Morgan B et al. Isolated renal and urinary tract aspergillosis: a systematic review. Therapeutic Advances in Urology (2023)
Wong Y L… Schaff O et al. Impacts of climate change on ocular health: A scoping review. The Journal of Climate Change and Health (2023)
Glover S, Dutton M, Tyrrell A, Bowman-Worrall S, Holland M. PP60 Analysis of publishing trends within the NHS Ambulance Services in the United Kingdom using the amber repository. Emergency Medical Journal (2023)
Renwick L… Schaff O, Russell L et al. Stakeholder identified research priorities for early intervention in psychosis. Health Expectations (2022)
Pilkington J J… Schaff O et al. Systemic biomarkers currently implicated in the formation of abdominal wall hernia: A systematic review of the literature. The American Journal of Surgery (2021)
Holland M, Dutton M, Glover S How it’s done: search tools and techniques for major bibliographic databases. Journal of Paramedic Practice (2021)
Holland M, Dutton M, Glover S Where to now? Searching beyond Medline. Journal of Paramedic Practice (2021)
Holland M, Dutton M, Glover S Where to look: sources of research in paramedicine. Journal of Paramedic Practice (2021)
Bongomin F… Russell L et al. Estimation of the burden of tinea capitis among children in Africa. Mycoses (2020)
Olum R… Russell L et al. Tolerability of oral itraconazole and voriconazole for the treatment of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Plos One (2020)
Glazier, J D, Whitcombe J et al. The effect of Ramadan fasting during pregnancy on perinatal outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018)
Morris R… Glover S, Whitcombe J et al. Identifying primary care patient safety research priorities in the UK: a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership. BMJ Open (2018)
Reid HE… Whitcombe J et al. The effect of senior obstetric presence on maternal and neonatal outcomes in UK NHS maternity units: a systematic review and meta-analysis. An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2017)
Wan, Y L… Glover S, Whitcombe J et al. Working together to shape the endometrial cancer research agenda: The top ten unanswered research questions. Gynecologic Oncology (2016)
Heazell AEP, … Whitcombe J, Glover SW et al. Research priorities for stillbirth: process overview and results from UK Stillbirth Priority Setting Partnership. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (2015)
Tierney S,…Woods S et al. What strategies are effective for exercise adherence in heart failure? A systematic review of controlled studies. Heart Failure Reviews (2012)
Tierney S,…Woods S et al. What can we learn from patients with heart failure about exercise adherence? A systematic review of qualitative papers. Health Psychology (2011)
Library staff publication acknowledgements
McGarrigle L et al. Rehabilitation interventions to modify physical frailty in adults before lung transplantation: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open (2024)
“The authors thank Bethan Morgan (librarian at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust) for her support with electronic search strategies for this review”
Apara T et al. Death of the paediatric manikin: a scoping review. BMJ Paediatrics Open (2024)
“The authors thank Ms Olivia Schaff, medical librarian, for her expert knowledge and support in defining and performing the search strategy.”
Carey C et al. A review of the current treatment methods for retroperitoneal fibrosis with obstructive uropathy. BJUI Compass (2024)
“The authors acknowledged Olivia Schaff, librarian at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, who helped significantly with the literature search used to write this paper.”
Segun-Omosehin et al. Safety and efficacy of catheter-directed thrombectomy without thrombolysis in acute pulmonary embolism: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Cardiology (2024)
“We would like to acknowledge (…) Olivia Schaff at the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust for the literature search.”
Carter E et al. Caesarean section and anal incontinence in women after obstetric anal sphincter injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (2024)
“For assistance with our database searches, we thank: Olivia Schaff, Clinical and Outreach Librarian and Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.”
Hewson T et al. Interventions for the detection, monitoring, and management of chronic non-communicable diseases in the prison population: an international systematic review. BMC Public Health (2024)
“We thank Olivia Schaff, Clinical and Outreach Librarian at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust for her support in conducting literature searches.”
Varese F et al. Top 10 priorities for Sexual Violence and Abuse Research: Findings of the James Lind Alliance Sexual Violence Priority Setting Partnership. BMJ Open (2023)
“The authors of this paper would like to thank (…) Olivia Schaff from Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for helping to run literature searches.”
Ravenscroft R et al. The use of silver nitrate (AgNO3) as a caustic agent for the treatment of hypergranulation tissue affecting ingrown toenails: A scoping review. The Journal of the International Foot and Ankle Foundation (2023)
“Acknowledgements: The authors would like to express their gratitude to Ms. Elly Aalai, Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust librarian, for help with constructing the search strategy.”
Hewson T et al. A systematic review and mixed-methods synthesis of the experiences, perceptions and attitudes of prison staff regarding adult prisoners who self-harm. BJPsych Open (2022)
“We would like to thank Olivia Schaff, Clinical Librarian at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, for their support conducting electronic database searches.”
Moura F et al. Artificial intelligence in the management and treatment of burns: a systematic review. Burns & Trauma (2021)
“We are grateful to Ms Elaine Ashley, library assistant, for assistance in locating full texts of potentially eligible studies.”
Kuyt K et al. The use of virtual reality and augmented reality to enhance cardio-pulmonary resuscitation: a scoping review. Advances in Simulation (2021)
“The authors would like to acknowledge the expertise and support of Olivia Schaff from Manchester University Foundation Trust Library Services.”
Emery D et al. The global distribution of actinomycetoma and eumycetoma. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2020)
“The authors would like to thank the team at the library of Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester NHS Foundation Trust for their patient help in sourcing the papers necessary to create these maps.”
Alahmadi F et al. Assessment of adherence to corticosteroids in asthma by drug monitoring or fractional exhaled nitric oxide: A literature review. Clinical & Experimental Allergy (2020)
“We would like to thank the medical library team at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, UK, for their support with the literature search strategy.”
Faulkner S et al. Light therapies to improve sleep in intrinsic circadian rhythm sleep disorders and neuro-psychiatric illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews (2019)
“Olivia Schaff is acknowledged for second screening of titles and abstracts.”
Tomkins A et al. Sexualised drug taking among men who have sex with men: a systematic review. Perspectives in Public Health (2018)
“Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Elham Aalai, Librarian at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, for her assistance in the literature search process.”
Odudu A et al. Arterial spin labelling MRI to measure renal perfusion: a systematic review and statement paper. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (2018)
“The literature search support of Elham Aalai of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust is acknowledged.”
Horne A et al. Top ten endometriosis research priorities in the UK and Ireland. The Lancet (2017)
“The literature search was performed by: Ms Olivia Schaff, Clinical Outreach Librarian, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Mr Steve Glover, Librarian, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Mr Stephen Woods, Librarian, University Hospitals of South Manchester (…)
Ms Michelle Dutton, Librarian, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust”
Jones S et al. A scoping review of the needs of children and other family members after a child’s traumatic injury. Clinical Rehabilitations (2017)
“The authors thank Jo Whitcombe and Elham Aalai (Clinical Librarians) for their advice on the search strategy.”