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We value your feedback as it helps us to improve our services. The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is a national scheme enabling patients, who use our services, to tell us and other patients what they think about the quality of care they receive.

On your discharge from hospital or at the end of your appointment/ visit you will be asked “How likely are you to recommend our services to your Friends and Family?”

At any point during, or shortly after, your time with one of our hospitals or services you will be given the opportunity to answer the following questions:

Overall, how was your experience of our service?

□ Very Good   □ Good   □ Neither Good nor Poor    □ Poor   □ Very Poor   □ Don’t Know

Please can you tell us why you gave your answer?

Please tell us about anything that we could have done better.

At Manchester Foundation Trust (MFT) we have a number of options available for you to complete the FFT question:

  • This webpage (see below)
  • A tablet device (available from a member of staff)
  • Hospedia bedside entertainment system (available on several wards)
  • FFT cards (available in most areas)
  • Text Messaging Service (in selected departments)

Please ask a member of staff if you are unsure how to complete the FFT or how to use the tablet device provided, they will be happy to assist you.

Online Surveys

What happens to the results?

We use your feedback to help us make changes and improvements to our services and the quality of care we provide. Your feedback enables us to take immediate action when a problem is identified and shows how effective the change or improvement has been.

Results are analysed independently and published on the NHS Friends and Family website; an overview is also listed on the NHS Website

Your feedback is anonymous and will not impact on any future hospital visits with us, but it will provide valuable information to help us to improve our services where appropriate and to recognise and share positive feedback with our staff members.