Chris Templar
Public Governor (Eastern Cheshire)
Public Governor for Eastern Cheshire Constituency
I’ve lived in East Cheshire, South Manchester and Trafford all my life, having been born in Saint Mary’s Hospital. I, and members of my family, have had lifelong connections, as patients and staff, with the Manchester Royal Infirmary, Withington and Wythenshawe Hospitals.
My career was spent in financial services and I was also a Territorial Army Officer for 24 years. Skills acquired in these two different areas have helped me to be enquiring and effective as a previous Governor, asking searching questions in my determined pursuit of outstanding and compassionate patient care.
These are exciting and innovative times for the NHS in Manchester. Building upon the experience and knowledge previously gained as a Governor, I am committed to representing the interests of patients from the Eastern Cheshire constituency of the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, to the best of my ability.
Public Governor (Eastern Cheshire)
Elected December 2017 (1st term)
Re-Elected September 2020 (2nd term)
Re-Elected September 2023 (3rd & final term)
Term of Office: 3 Years – Ending at 2026 Annual Members’ Meeting