All specimens need to be accompanied by a correctly completed cytology request form.
For test requests ordered on the Hive Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system an order requisition printout must be submitted with the request.
For non-Hive requests or paper requests raised during Hive downtime see sample acceptance criteria below for more information.
The following mandatory information must be provided for us to accept the specimen:
Essential Patient Identifiers:
- Surname
- Forename
- Unique identification number – Medical Record Number (MRN), NHS or external hospital number for external cases
- Date of birth
- Address – for GP or external locations
Essential clinical information – sample site MUST be listed on the sample pot for the sample to be accepted
Essential Clinical Details:
In producing a final diagnostic cytopathology report the Pathologists are essentially looking to provide guidance and answers to clinical queries. Therefore, it is essential that all relevant clinical information is provided on the request form (paper based or electronic) so that the cytological features of the specimen can be interpreted within the clinical context. Rather than simply repeating oneself under each heading give relevant clinical details, procedure details, medical history and the clinically suspected (differential) diagnosis. This should include all previous malignancies, whether in the same or any other organ system. Under Specimen Details, give the precise anatomical site of the specimens sent. If there are multiple specimens, there should be a one-to-one correspondence between the specimens listed on the card and the labelling of the specimen pots. Record any features of the specimen that are likely to be difficult to interpret after fixation, particularly for complex cases.
If the relevant, appropriate clinical information is not provided this may lead to a delay in the final report being issued.
- High risk status – to ensure health and safety of all staff
- Specimen site – must match on specimen pot and request card
- Relevant clinical information – see above
- Lung cancer – For any sample where there is a clinical concern for lung cancer (primary or metastatic), please ensure details of smoking (never/light smoker or current/ex-smoker) and performance status (WHO 0 1 2 3) are recorded on the request form in the clinical details section.
- Date/time taken – essential to ensure proper fixation of high risk specimen
Essential Sender Details:
- Ward/department – required for return of reports
- Consultant or GP – required for return of reports and contact in case of any errors/discrepancies
- Contact number/bleep – if urgent preliminary report required
It is recognised that some samples are sometimes not repeatable therefore the department has protocols in place to deal with specimens and accompanied request forms that do not meet the specimen acceptance criteria. A final report will not be issued until such details have been corrected.
As far as is reasonably practicable, when the sample is being processed on the same hospital site as it was taken, the requesting clinician will be required to attend the Laboratory to make any necessary amendments or verify the patient details / source of the sample.
For MFT cases, where it is not possible for the requesting clinician to attend, they, and / or the person raising the order will be contacted by electronic communication (email / HIVE chat as appropriate) and an audit trail will be established to verify the patient details / source of the sample.
For samples from General Practitioners or external clinics we will accept corrections to patient detail discrepancies via email, e.g. Tameside, Christie.
All specimen and/or request form amendments will need to have a specimen amendment form completed and / or a printout of the correction email.
If the request form requires edit, either a new form is submitted, or the request form can be edited to represent the amendment in the margin on the form with the initials and date of the individual who collated the information. If amendments are not addressed within seven calendar days, then an incident will be raised in Ulysses.
Any high-risk specimens should be highlighted on the specimen request form and for MFT orders, on the HIVE request.
(Last reviewed February 2025)