Contact Details
Medico Legal (SAR) Department
c/o Manchester Royal Infirmary
Oxford Road
M13 9WL
To discuss postal requests: 0161 276 4019 or 0161 701 1316
To discuss email requests: 0161 291 5176 or 0161 291 5194
Subject Access Request Form – Guidance Notes
IMPORTANT: Please read these notes before you proceed with completing the form.
How do I access my records?
The Data Protection Act gives living individuals the right to apply for access to their records.
Requests can be made directly to the subject access request department in writing or verbally, and can be sent via post or electronically via email.
You can arrange for your representative to apply for access to your records in certain circumstances, for example if they have Power of Attorney regarding your health.
You can provide written authorisation for a solicitor or other legal representative to apply for access to your records.
How much will this cost?
The Trust will provide a copy of the information free of charge; however, we reserve the right to
charge a “reasonable fee” when a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly if it is repetitive.
How long will the request take?
The Subject Access Request Department will provide a response to requests within one calendar month. Where requests are deemed to be particularly voluminous or complex, an extension may be requested by the subject access request department.
Can I have copies of all my records?
There may be certain circumstances in which we may withhold information. Access to information may be denied, or limited, where the information might cause serious harm to the physical or mental health of the patient, or any other person, or where giving access would disclose information relating to, or provided by a third person, where authority to disclose the information can’t be provided.
Who can I contact if I have any other questions?
If you have any queries regarding your request, or need help completing the form, please contact the Subject Access Request Department directly. Contact details can be found at the top of the Subject Access Request form.
Finally, please ensure that you have entered all the required information; provided proof of identity; and have completed and signed the consent section in Part 2 where appropriate.