The Manchester Clinical Academic Centre (MCAC) is a collaboration between Manchester University Foundation Trust (MFT) and The School of Health Sciences at the University of Manchester.
MFT is one of Europe’s largest and leading teaching hospital Trusts for developing clinical academic careers amongst Health and Social Care Professionals (HCP) staff, including pharmacy, psychology and health care science staff. The School of Health Sciences at the University of Manchester enjoys an international reputation for the quality of its research across several health and social care disciplines, notably Nursing, pharmacy and psychology. The school has over six thousand students studying on ten undergraduate and over 30 postgraduate taught programmes as well as professional doctorates and PhD programmes.
A dedicated team lead this work, forming a close collaboration between the Trust and School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at the University of Manchester (UoM).
- Cheryl Casey Deputy Chief Nurse
- Dr Karen Kemp Director of MCAC (Engagement)
- Dr Steven K Rogers Director of MCAC (Delivery)
- Tim TwelvetreeResearch Development Manager, MFT.
If you would like to contact any of us, please email mcac@manchester.ac.uk
The MCAC will create a culture where the Health and Social Care Professionals (HCP) contribution to health services research is valued, visible and supported. The centre aims to develop MFT research leaders and an international reputation for clinical excellence in research. The MCAC will provide mechanisms to realise and develop clinical academic potential across the Trust to deliver cutting-edge research, recognising the importance of promoting research capacity across the HCP workforce. The MCAC will provide a central virtual and in person hub for clinical academic UoM/MFT research activity and will reflect the values of both organisations.
Three forms of membership are offered to MFT staff, offering a range of benefits and opportunities for clinical academic development:
MCAC General Membership
Membership of the MCAC is open to any Health and Social Care Professionals (HCP) member of MFT staff and MFT affiliated staff who is a research-active clinical academic or aspiring to be a clinical academic and is interested in the work of the Centre.
MCAC Doctoral Fellow
Any doctoral student who is a member of MFT staff can apply to be a Member of the Doctoral College, irrespective of their place of registration. The Doctoral College will facilitate peer-to-peer support and build a community of practice for doctoral students from any Higher Education Institution.
MCAC Senior Fellow
A MCAC Senior Fellowship is open to any MFT staff member who holds a doctoral qualification and is engaged in or intending to engage in post-doctoral research. It recognises Health and Social Care Professionals (HCP) who are leading research at MFT that benefits staff, public and patients. MCAC senior fellows will share the Centre’s commitment to advancing developing evidence, informing practice and improving lives.
Further details and membership application forms can be obtained by emailing mcac@manchester.ac.uk
We have a yearly MFT NMAHP Research conference and other lectures and seminars to support the development of clinical academic careers at MFT. See presentations from previous conferences on the ‘Manchester Clinical Academic Centre YouTube Channel’.
See presentations from previous conferences on the ‘MCAC YouTube Channel