Below are some principal sources of doctoral research funding for AHPs and HCPs.
For further details, please click on the provided links.
Doctoral Research funding for AHPs
Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) Research Career Development Grant
Offers two grants of up to £20,000 and up to 3 years each towards doctoral or early postdoctoral research for OTs who can demonstrate their intention to pursue a research career pathway.
Further information: RCOT Research Career Development Grant
Royal College of Occupational Therapists Elizabeth Casson Trust
Offers funding for Occupational Therapists to study for a Doctorate or other course, or to design a learning event. Also funds innovation awards, pump-primer research awards and funding for conferences and international scholarships.
Further details: Elizabeth Casson Trust
Doctoral Research Funding for any HCP
Alzheimer’s Society Clinician and Healthcare Professionals Training Fellowships
Provides research costs to support an HCP research project which can include reasonable salary for the fellow and University PhD fees at UK rates. Applicants can also apply for up to £25,000 per annu (maximum of £75,000 per fellowship) to cover:
- Research costs
- Part-time technician or administrative support
- £1,000 per annum career development (including conference attendance, training, lab visits, travel)
Further information: Alzheimer’s Society Clinician and Healthcare Professionals Training Fellowships
British Heart Foundation Research Training Fellowships for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
Funds PhDs for HCPs, related to the improvement of care and outcomes for people with cardiovascular disease. Funding is for between 3-5 years and covers salary, project costs, PhD fees and travel expenses.
Further information: British Heart Foundation Research Training Fellowships for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
Dunhill Joint British Geriatrics society Doctoral Training Fellowship
One doctoral fellowship is available to support an HCP interested in developing a career in ageing-related research.
Further details: Dunhill Joint British Geriatrics society Doctoral Training Fellowship
Kidney Research UK Allied Health Professional Fellowships (clinical)
The purpose of these awards is to enable nurses, psychologists, pharmacists and allied health professionals to undertake a renal research study for up to 3 years FT and obtain a higher degree. Funding covers salary, consumables and course fees.
Further details: Kidney Research UK Allied Health Professional Fellowships (clinical)
NIHR Doctoral Clinical and Practitioner Academic Fellowship (DCAF)
The DCAF is a three year award (up to six years part time). Approximately 80% of awardee time will be spend undertaking a PhD by research, and further professional development. The remaining 20% of fellowship hours will be spent devoted to clinical practice and professional development. Funding covers salary, course fees, project and training costs.
Further details: Doctoral Clinical and Practitioner Academic Fellowship (DCAF)
NIHR Doctoral Fellowship
Supports HCPs to undertake a PhD and covers salary, course fees, project, conference, PPI and training costs. These awards are run in collaboration with Moorfields Eye Charity and the Motor Neurone Disease Association
Further details: NIHR Doctoral Fellowship
Wellcome Trust 4Ward North PhD Programme for Health Professionals
Funds HCP salary and research expenses, should include supervision from at least two of the 4Ward North institutions and fit within the Wellcome research remit.
Further details: Wellcome Trust 4Ward North PhD Programme for Health Professionals