On 1st October 2017 Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) and University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust (UHSM) came together to form a new NHS Organisation, Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Manchester Foundation Trust is delighted to introduce the Trust’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019-2023. The Strategy sets out our ambition to be the best place for patient quality and experience and the best place to work. It provides a framework for action focusing on three, interrelated aims which are:
- Improved patient access, safety and experience.
- A representative and supported workforce.
- Inclusive leadership.
We believe that the only way to consistently provide the highest possible level of care is through being truly inclusive, creating the right conditions for staff to flourish and for patients to receive the services that they need, in the way that they need them and in the right environment based on their individual needs.
Thank you to everyone who has helped to prepare this Strategy and set out our ambition to be a leader in equality, diversity and inclusion.
Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)
The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) is the legal duty that all public authorities, including NHS Trusts, must consider how policies or decisions affect people who are protected under the Equality Act. The Diversity Matters Strategy outlines how MFT seeks to meet PSED and the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Annual Report collates and presents the Trust’s evidence for delivery of objectives. Below, you will find the current version of the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Annual Report and a copy of the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy Statement.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report 2023
Previous reports
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report 2022
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Reporting
Gender Pay Gap Report
The Gender Pay Gap shows the differences in the average pay between men and women working in the same organisation. Organisations with 250 or more employees are mandated by the government to report annually on their gender pay gap.
Current report: Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
Previous reports
Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES)
The Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) is a set of ten specific measures that enable NHS organisations to compare the experiences of Disabled and non-disabled staff. NHS Trusts are required to produce and publish their WDES report on an annual basis.
Current report
Workforce Disability Equality Standard WDES Report 2023-24
Previous reports
Workforce Disability Equality Standard_WDES_Report 2022-23
Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)
The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) is a set of nine specific measures that enable NHS organisations to compare the experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and White staff. NHS Trusts are required to produce and publish their WRES report on an annual basis.
Current report
Workforce Race Equality Standard WRES Report 2023-24
Previous reports
Workforce Race Equality Standard_WRES_Report 2022-23
Equality Delivery System Report (EDS)
The Equality Delivery System (EDS) is a system that helps NHS organisations improve the services they provide for their local communities and provide better working environments, free of discrimination, for those who work in the NHS, while meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
Current Report: Equality Delivery System Report 2022/2023
Previous Report: Equality Delivery System Report 2019/2020
The Trust brings together nine individual hospitals from across the city of Manchester to form the largest NHS organisation in England with the aim of driving improvements in consistency of care across the city, better utilising economies of scale for the benefit of services and to reduce health inequalities through the bringing together of experts within a single hospital service.
As part of the formation of the new organisation, stakeholders and community partners have been engaged to help build a new way of working in partnership right from the start. As recognition of this a range of stakeholders from across organisations representing our diverse local community were involved in contributing to the Equality Impact Assessment on the formation of a new Hospital Trust and further engagement is planned as we develop our community engagement and partnership approach for the new organisation.
Both CMFT and UHSM have strong established Equality, Diversity and Inclusion governance, best practice and specialist staff already in place and over the coming year various projects are underway to build on this to deliver structures and support that allow Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust to continue to be a regional and national leader at championing the value of diversity and at embedding inclusion rights across all parts of the organisation.
As this report comes shortly after the merger of CMFT and UHSM, the format and data included reflect the previous reporting and structures that were in place across the respective organisations and should be viewed as an evolution towards a new single reporting format that will be in place ready for next year’s annual reporting cycle.
We have aimed to design the presentation and details included in this report to make it easy to ready and information to be as directly comparable across our various hospital sites as possible based on the current information we have available.
If you require any information in alternative formats or would like to enquire about further details on information presented in this report please contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team equality@mft.nhs.uk who will respond to your query or signpost you to a more appropriate contact.
Disabled People’s User Forum
Do you have ideas for how we could make our hospitals more accessible? Then, why not consider becoming a member of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust’s Disabled People’s User Forum. Our Disabled People’s User Forum aims to improve the access to, experience of and quality of health care for disabled people within our hospitals.
The Forum meets quarterly to hear about new hospital initiatives, discuss your views and experiences, and identify how we can improve the accessibility of MFT’s hospitals. We also hold ad-hoc digital consultations via email.
The meetings are currently held digitally. The following dates have been scheduled for 2024:
31st January 2024 | 11am-1pm |
17th April 2024 | 11am-1pm |
17th July 2024 | 11am-1pm |
18th December 2024 | 11am-1pm |
Members of the forum will be:
- A disabled person who has used MFT’s services.
- A disabled person who is member of the Membership or Governor teams at MFT.
- Someone who has experience of the barriers faced by disabled people when using MFT’s healthcare services and has ideas for how these can be removed.
- Be able to attend up to 4 meetings per year.
- Carers and advocates are welcome.
To find out more and get involved with the forum please email DPUF@mft.nhs.uk or phone 0161 701 6188.
AccessAble Access Guides
In 2017 MFT partnered with AccessAble to create access guides for our nine hospitals. These guides contain detailed factual information about the accessibility of MFT’s departments, wards, and services.
Visitors, patients and staff can use the guides to find out about the access to the service they are visiting. You can find out where a department is located in relation to the main entrance, where car parking spaces are located, whether there are lifts to access other floors, whether a hearing loop is fitted at reception, and in-depth information about accessible toilets.