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The national HPV primary screening implementation guide recommends the universal implementation of GP electronic test requesting as an opportunity to improve the transportation of samples and improve the tracking of samples between the primary care collection points and the centralised laboratory.

Electronic requesting

Electronic requesting: Please contact the Laboratory IT support team to set up electronic requesting in your practice/clinic.

Telephone: 0161 276 4079


The provision of information relating to previous biopsies (punch, LLETZ/loop, cone etc) with histology grade and date of biopsy, and details of any treatment are ESSENTIAL to ensure correct patient management is given.

Image of a Cervical Screening Request Form

Paper request forms

These are being actively phased out by the laboratory and should only be used when electronic requesting and the above manual request form are not available due to IT issues. In this case the paper request form should be completed in full with information PRINTED legibly or a printed label containing patient demographics can be used.

NHS number

The NHS number MUST be used whenever it is available as this is the unique patient identifier. In addition, the full forename, surname and date of birth MUST be given.

PIN codes

The GMC, NMC or Physician Associate (MVR) number is the unique sample taker identifier, or PIN code. This information MUST be provided on all request forms. The sample taker name should also be printed clearly. If a PIN code is not given, is illegible or the sample taker is not registered on the CSTD, this is reportable to the Screening & Immunisation Team so that enquiries can be made to determine if the sample taker is validated to take cervical samples.


(Last reviewed February 2025)