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Opening hours and services available

The department is open from 08:00 hrs – 17:00 hrs, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays). Synovial fluid samples should be received in the department by 13:30 hrs in order to be processed the same day.

Find or contact us at the Manchester Cytology Centre

The Manchester Cytology Centre is located on the first floor of Clinical Sciences Building 2 at the Oxford Road Campus. All visitors must access the department via the reception area of Clinical Sciences Building 1.

Please contact us if you have any complaints or service improvement suggestions.

If you wish to make a formal or informal complaint please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). Tel 0161 276 8686

Many verbal complaints will be easily and quickly resolved by the clinical lead, laboratory manager or a cyto/histopathologist and will be recorded by the department.

It is the discretion of the Laboratory Manager to forward any complaints on to the Division of Laboratory Medicine team for recording if appropriate.


Manchester Cytology Centre
First Floor
Clinical Sciences Building 2
Manchester Royal Infirmary
Oxford Road
M13 9WL


Telephone enquiries

  • General: 0161 276 5116/6727
  • Synovial fluid cytology results:  0161 276 5115/5116/6727
  • Advice on synovial fluid sample collection/comments, complaints or suggestions: 0161 276 5110
  • Request sample containers or forms: 0161 276 5110

Key contacts

Dr Mohsin Mazhari
Head of Synovial Fluid Analysis Service
0161 276 6444

Dr Leena Joseph
Consultant Histopathologist
0161 291 4808

Dr Asma Haider
Consultant Histopathologist
0161 276 8816

Christopher Evans
Consultant Biomedical Scientist
0161 701 1443

Dipak Ruda
Biomedical Scientist Team Leader
0161 276 5110

Rosebina Zafar
Diagnostic Cytopathology Lead Biomedical Scientist
0161 276 5110

Jacquelyn Medlock
Cytology Manager
0161 276 5120

David Slater
Cytology Quality Lead
0161 276 5110


(Last reviewed February 2025)